Sunnydale Careers #18: An Occasional Series Getting Under the Skin of Our Community
Rating: PG13
Character: OC
A/N: a bleaker direction for this series, as we move through season two
Tammy Wasserstein joined the thriving world of 24-hour retail right out of high school. It suited her qualifications and personality perfectly (NB She had no qualifications and way too much personality). She rose from junior to…well ordinary shift member. She liked to eat the spoiled produce and sometimes marked it down a little before the sell-by date. Her supervisor tolerated it; there were many, many worse things about some of his staff than mild fraud.
Tammy was on night duty when a gorgeous man walked into the store on Valentines night. He paused by the processed snacks while she served a trucker wanting some vile hotdogs which (it turned out) would give him three days of gut ache and make him late for his next job.
The gorgeous man walked up to the counter. Tammy beamed at him; those dark eyes caused a considerable romantic flutter on this night of all nights. Might he be the one?
Well, in a manner of speaking, he was. He was a vampire. He was evil, and impatient and not in the mood for subtlety. He broke Tammy’s neck with a quick twist (remembering as he did so how many necks he’d snapped back in the day. Just such a good feeling, when you weren’t hungry). He grabbed a penknife from the sale rack and roughly split her chest, just enough to extract the warm, rich-blooded source of her life.
It wasn’t the still-beating heart of a virgin, but it would do for Dru this Valentines day.
Careers Office note on Wassestein file: Quite a typical case history, but might discourage take-up of retail opportunities. Seek a more positive example and review.