If you have not already done so, please start from the beginning with
Survey 1.
In order to participate, you should be of legal age (18 in many areas), or have the permission of a parent or guardian. Your participation is voluntary. You can quit at any time, and can skip any questions you do not wish to answer. All information gathered will be used only for educational and study purposes. By proceeding, you are agreeing that you have read and understood all the rules and requirements of this survey. Any questions can be e-mailed to fanstudy (at) hotmail (dot) com.
Time involvement: 15-35 minutes
Please DO NOT post your answers in a comment, but instead, pick one of the options from
the starting instructions. If you've chosen to use LiveJournal to participate, comment here with a link to your post. You needn't comment if you're participating via e-mail.
I have split this survey into two parts. If Part B is not applicable to you, please skip it.
Please keep in mind that I am asking about current involvement. In a future survey, I may ask about past fan involvement, and how yours has changed.
Also, you needn't list your specific fandoms for this survey. I'll get around to asking that soon. =)
As always, feel free to expound.
HPFS Survey 3 - Time Spent
Part A - Harry Potter Fandom Involvement
How often do you do the following? Estimate hours per week. If less frequent than weekly, give an appropriate estimate (ex: twice a month)
1) Read HP canon.
2) Read HP fanfiction.
3) Write HP fanfiction.
4) Create HP-related art.
5) Participate in HP-themed roleplay.
6) Read/post in HP-themed communities (LJ, message boards, mailing lists, etc.).
7) Any other HP-related activity not listed here (specify).
Part B - General Fandom Involvement
How often do you do the following? Estimate hours per week. If less frequent than weekly, give an appropriate estimate (ex: twice a month)
8) Read/watch canon (any fandom). Clarification - Canon for a fandom you are involved in.
9) Read fanfiction in general (any fandom).
10) Write fanfiction in general (any fandom).
11) Create fanart in general (any fandom).
12) Participate in fan-specific roleplay (any fandom).
13) Read/post in any fandom communities (LJ, message boards, mailing lists, etc.).
14) Any other fandom-related activity not listed here (specify).
Once you're done with this survey, you can move on to
Survey 4.