2009 in Review!!

Jan 03, 2010 13:48

I set quite a few challenges for myself in 2009 and made a big leap forward in terms of numbers of stories and words posted.
Thanks so very much to all who commented!  I know some people say "you write for yourself" but personally, I write to communicate my ideas to others.  I am honestly very interested in whatever you have to say, be it positive or politely negative.

72 pieces, includings stories, ficlets, poems and drabbles  (77,000 words)

plus Seven Substantial Metas.

And a Song!! :)


I honestly don't know whether I'll write this much again in 2010, as my goal is to do more personal writing in my private journal, which has fallen by the wayside in recent years, and to write more poems and songs about real life.

I'll also be posting that roundup meme.  Cheers to you, flist!  Happy New Year!

Dec 21: FIC " Give you both night and Day" (Sam/Dean #4, NC-17, 6000 words)

Dec 11: FIC  " Between Lovers"  (Sam/Dean #3, NC-17, 5000 words)

Dec 2:  FIC " Pillar of Light" (rated G; Ruby/God, 585 words)

Nov 29: FIC " Cheerwine and Soggy Fries"  (Gen, 685 words)

Nov. 26:  FIC " heroes in the morning" coda to 5.10  (Sam/Dean #2, NC-17, 3500 words)

Nov. 18: FIC " when Dean got down off the rack" (gen, pg, 3500 words)

Nov. 17: FIC " between supposed lovers"  coda to 5.09, (Sam/Dean #1, PG-13, 3000 words)

Nov 15: FIC " Riders on the Storm," (nc-17, Sam/OFC, Ruby, 1500 words).

Nov 13: META on S5, Act Two: "Fannishness and Being the Hero"

Nov. 1: CRACK: She-Tick vs. Gerbil mPreg (rated G, 769 words)

Oct 18: META: Are Angels Monsters?

Sep 22: FIC: Five Times Sam Walked Away (Gen, pg-13, 1400 words)

Sep 19: META: Rock Stars, Hunters, and their Enabling Addictions,
or Blood, and what's inside Sam that scares the Hell out of Him.

Sept 17: FIC coda to 5.1, Sam pov (PG, 1100 words)

The month of August saw me take up a challenge to write fics for all the Women of Supernatural. Here are the master posts:
season one -- 22 stories, 17000 words
season two -- 18 stories, 14000 words
My favorites include:
Kat and the Case of the Cursed Campground
Layla Rourke
Joanna (Michael and Asher's Mom)
DEAN'S SONG FOR BABY!!  an actual original song I recorded with garageband.  the link has expired but feel free to request.
" Bobby meets the Reaper" (feat. Bobby's wife)
Ava and the Acheri
The Fanonization of the Apostle Sherri
Madison (but really this is Dean's response to Sandover)
"Hell of a P.A."  Tara Benchley runs into Dean -- or so she thinks. :) 
Carmen (does the creation of a djinn have a pov?  yes.)
Mara Daniels, "The first and second letters of Mara to the Midwesters"

July 24: FIC: " The Night Weighs Heavy" (Sam, Gen, 3000 words) sequel to the Long Hall

July 4: FIC: " The Long Hall" (Dean, Gen, 4000 words)

June 11: copperhead! plus the Basha and Tina song

may 29: my otp meme

may 21: the s4 soundtrack with script excerpts

May 7: ficpoem " angels fall like rain" (Dean&Cas, gen, 600 words)

May 3: META on Dean as a Drifter

April 29:  Spn/Sentinel crossover  (Jim/Dean, 1700 words, rated adult)

April 29: meme:  some things to know about me

April 28: drabble on " release"  (gen, Dean pov, Sam, Impala, 100 words)

April 27: meme: the 16 books that will always stick with me

April 12: Twelve Drabbles from iTunes and April 13: Eight Precise Drabbles--  ( 800 words)
the best one is the one about Dean and the car

April 7: META on Show vs. Christianity

April 2: META:  My Shrödinger's First Time Theory of Slashiness

March 29:  META Love for Sammy with speculations about end of s4

March 24: poem about spring (not fannish, a real poem, 68 words)

March 10: FIC “ from the shelter of His mind, through the window of His eyes”  (Dean/Castiel, PG, 1771 words)

Feb 5: FIC " Why Sam Winchester hates Death Cab for Cutie" (intense brother love, 952 words)

Jan 6, 2009:  fanpoem:  " scorpions in a ring of fire"  (282 words)

Link to 2008 Roundup
including the META on Wincest and Romanticism
and my original meta on Misogyny and Supernatural
and Motherhood and Misogyny
and my enormous meta on Angels:
My favorite FICs from 2008 were:
my Devour fic
" At Usher's Well": Sam gets Dean out of Hell via cursed object
" where soul meets body" Sam gets Dean out of Hell with his brain
" who do you say that I am?"  Sam is Demon messiah in one way
" Dancers at the Lake" Sam is Demon messiah in another way
and bonus crack poem, Thirteen Ways of Looking at Sam and Dean

s4, fic, me!me!meme!, samndean, s2, s1, meta, women of spn, s5

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