2012 Master Fic List

Dec 17, 2012 22:46

53,830 words
Melting, PG, 1317 words, Four/Rose, Cloen/Rose. Traveling with the Dimension Cannon, Rose nearly always finds the Doctor - just not the one she's looking for. 1-5-12.  Also,   Melting, PG, 353 words, Four/Rose, Cloen/Rose.  Shorter version for
who_contest drabble challenge # 8: Cold.  1-5-12

poem: " Dare I Be the Peach?"   an original poem, for my friend roguebitch, who wanted something about women, sex, and aging.  1-10-12

Picnic on Aix,   Nine/Rose NC17 11,100 words.  develish wanted the Tardis to get tired of all the UST and strand them.  After "Father's Day" they go to a picnic planet, but the Tardis locks them out in the rain. 1-25-12

Borrowers fic: Somewhere Between Sunshine and Dirt, 2800 words, G, Pod/Eggletina, Pod/Homily. Pod Clock was a daredevil, and so was his cousin Eggletina.  Is everyone who flies so high, headed for a fall? 2-7-12

The Black Swan PG, Nine/Rose 1350 words.
fogsblue and
bloose09 speculated "Rose walks into a room she has never been in before and sees Nine leaping about in a black tutu....". 2-24-12

" To what, mysterious, Lead'st thou?" 400 words, G, Doctor/Rose (background only). She's not always sure how someone so brilliant can accept so many things as accidents, happenstance, miscalculations. 3-2-12

" Moonlight Serenade", 3100 words,  PG13, Rose/Nine,  
ahedonia wanted "The basement scene in 'The Doctor Dances,' Jack doesn't interrupt, Nine and Rose go all the way."     3-6-12

touch of fire, Nine/Rose, G, 292w.  The Doctor reaches out despite himself. 3-16-12

Five Hits SPN, 660 words, G. Doris (from Mystery Spot) logs in more hours at the archery range. Part of my Women of Supernatural project. 3-21-12

SONGS:  I write songs.  You can get them from me.  Just ask!
who song: "The Universe Keeps Turning" sung to Nine from Rose's point of view.  It is a slow acoustic ballad. 3-22-12.
who song: Run With Me. from Nine's pov, to Rose. An upbeat pop/rock song. 3-25-12
I also drafted a third Who song, "Butterfly," but haven't been satisfied yet with the arrangement.

" Smile a breath of spring" G, Doctor/Rose, also Doctor/River,  PotW  slight AU. 1280 words.  When Rose is stranded in the past, an unexpected stranger comes to help. 4-16-12

My Body Bruised, Nine/Rose, NC17, 4-18-12. 4900 words. Rose and the Doctor are beaten and left naked in a prison cell.

Gallifreyan Kama Sutra, Nine/Rose, NC17, Mature. 2900 words. Rose looks in the Tardis's library and finds a sumptuously bound little red book-- the old Gallifreyan equivalent of the Kama Sutra. 4-22-12

Love and Monsters, NC17, Nine/Rose, 3400 words.   After the Dalek kills itself, the Doctor is a wreck.  Rose loves him, spirit, mind, and body.  4-29-12

Seizing Life, R,  Nine/Jack [slash!] 2900 words.  Jack and the Doctor engage in secret psychic communication while under arrest in the holding cell.  4-29-12

Rose taunts the Doctor by Eating Pears --crack! 4-18-12 652 words.

" I can live within you" Doctor Who/Labyrinth crossover, Ten/Rose, Jareth/Sarah, G.  1500 words. The Doctor runs into someone else who longs for a precious girl.  5-11-12

Meta on Doctor Who, Feminism and Families.  7-25-12

Have you been half asleep?, pg, gen, 1400w, Dean doesn't like the latest Hunt.  Also, he commits Voter Fraud. 8-1-12

Mycroft/Umbrella -- crack!  9-7-12  BBC!Sherlock. 250 words

" Constellations" PG, SPN,  2957w,  After they take down Dick Roman, Sam tries to wrap his mind around the
fact that Dean is gone, and tries to figure out what to do next.  10-6-12

Message in a Bottle, 6800 words, Nine/Rose, with Ten2/Rose and hints of Ten/Rose, angst! with happy ending.  Rose tries to find the Doctor across the Void.  When the Doctor finds her, who will he be, and where will they end up?  10-21-12

The Stone, Nine/Rose,  PG, 1000w. The Doctor was glad to see the last of Adam, but he wasn't exactly calm about it.  12-11-12

How They Got Together, SuperWhoLock!! G, Nine/Rose, John/Sherlock, brotherly Winchesters, 2672 words.  Sherlock deducing the Doctor and Rose in a Pub with Winchesters.

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