(Sighed) I Love You, Hyung... (1/2)

Oct 02, 2009 02:50

Chapter: 1
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin

POV: Kyuhyun

They said there was a family who now occupied the abandoned house near my house. I got really curious. So I decided to come to see it just after school.

Well, it was true that the house now was cleaner, the garden looked taken care, and it wasn't so dark anymore. I wondered if they had children who were the same old as I was. I was just lonely because there wasn't any six years old kid around here except me. The closest one to me was only Eeteuk hyung who was already eleven years old.

The gate was open. Hesitantly, I entered the garden. I knew I shouldn't come without permission like this, but hey, who would blame kids like me? Children were tolerated for being a bit naughty, weren't they?

I heard a sound of piano played. It was a simple piece, but I could feel that whoever played this surely a gentle person who really liked music. Eventhough it wasn't perfectly played, the music was very enjoyable.

Maybe it was played by a high school girl or something, I thought.

I walked further to find a window or anything, hoping I could see who was playing the piano. Then I found a door glass on the side of the house. Unfortunately, I was just able to see the piano, while the pianist was invisible behind it. I kept waiting until the pianist stopped playing and got off.

It was a boy, a little very cute boy in pink T-shirt and holding a grey bunny doll. He closed the lids of the piano gently with a small smile never escaped his small lips. I backed off, not wanting him to see me, but when I peeped again he was no where at sight. I sighed. Somehow I felt disappointed. I decided to see him again tomorrow.


On the next day, my legs just brought me to the same door glass. Too bad, he wasn't there playing the piano anymore. The disappointment filled my heart again.

"Who are you?" A soft voice came from behind my back. I turned in surprised. It was him. He was still as cute as yesterday, still holding the same bunny doll. What made him different was now he was wearing a white T-shirt and pink jacket, and his hair was now wet probably after being washed just now.

I was too busy staring at him to answer. The bunny boy also stared at me. It looked like he expected an answer but he wasn't willing to replay his question.

"M-My n-name is K-Kyu..hyun." I stuttered embarrassingly.

"What are you doing here?"

I blushed. I was already caught red handed, so I had no choice but to tell the truth. It wasn't that I could lie while looking into his innocent eyes either. "Yesterday I heard a sound of piano. It was so good and I happened to like it. I thought I can hear it again today."

He constantly smiled. "Thank you. But instead of watching and hearing from here why don't you come inside and sit beside me while I'm playing?"

I looked at him in surprised. "Really? Can I?"

The bunny boy nodded. He then asked me to follow him entering his house.

From that day, I always come to visit him everyday.


I found out that Sungmin hyung didn't go to school despite being eight years old. He was weak. He often collapsed due to his anemia. I found out that his parents were always working everyday and going home at nine at night, even on the weekend. I found out that he was a quiet type guy. The longest sentence I got to hear from him probably was when he offered me to watch him playing piano on the first day we met. I found out that he really loved music and he was able to play piano, guitar, bass, a little bit drum, and a little bit harmonica. I also found out that he loved bunnies very much, pink color, and any food made of pumpkin. Everything about him was cute. And I definitely loved all things I found out about him. He was just way very lovable and lovely.

"You have a great voice, Kyu. It's deep and calming. You should become a singer." Sungmin hyung commented as the song he played was in intro.

"And so do you." I answered simply. Sungmin hyung smiled warmly. Then he started singing with me. It was the most beautiful song I had ever heard. Our voice harmonized perfectly. I loved it the most when he was singing while I filled the backing vocal. We both had really high pitched beautiful voice. I wondered if all would change if Sungmin hyung and I grew up and we changed our voices into deeper ones.


I could say that Sungmin hyung was the one who brought me to singing. He made me realize that my voice wasn't so bad. He made me always wanted to improve my singing skills so our voice could be greater. He was the reason why I took choir club at school. My teachers and my friends at school seemed stunned and surprised for hearing my voice. I was very happy.

When I told him this, he was also happy for me. But I noticed there was a slight jealousy showed in his beautiful face. So I promised him to always practise singing together at his house. I'd always tell him if I got new lesson about singing skill. He then smiled gratefully. I then realized why I never wanted Sungmin hyung in slightest pain. I just loved him. I loved him the way my father loved my mother. I didn't care if men weren't supposed to love men that way. I didn't care whether Sungmin hyung loved me too or not.


It was Chistmas today. I planned to ask him out just for a fun date, such as going to an amusing park, or elsewhere he liked. But when I got to his house, his mother told me that Sungmin hyung was fainted. He got a fever due to the cold and his blood pressure went down badly. I then got my first chance to visit his room.

The room was all pink, it was guessable. He was lying there on his bed, sleeping soundly. "Merry Christmas, Hyung." I managed to say.

He slowly opened his eyes, recognizing my voice. "Kyu, is that you?"

"Yeah. Just sleep Hyung."

"Kyuhyun, Merry Christmas." Sungmin hyung said weakly. "I'm sorry I can't get you a present nor play with you."
"It's okay. But you'd get better soon so we can celebrate the new year and of course your birthday." I grabbed his hand. His hands were cold, but his forehead was very hot.

He nodded and grinned. "Sing for me, please?"

I happily obliged. I sang him some Christian Christmas songs until he fell asleep comfortably and I slept beside his bed.

I really wished Sungmin hyung could get better soon.


On January 1st, Sungmin hyung got better. I baked a pumpkin cake for him and I made him a pumpkin porridge. He looked amazed at how a six years old kid like me could cook so well. Honestly, I made it with a help of Eeteuk hyung, but I didn't tell him. It was okay to be a bit devilish once a while, wasn't it? ^^

We were very happy that day. He requested songs again from me and I of course willingly sang them for him. I would do anything to make him happy. I realized that I really loved Sungmin hyung. But now my heart demanded more. Deep inside my heart I wanted him to notice me. I wanted him to love me back. I would want to hug him, kiss him, and be just the only one for him just like I want him to be the only one for me.

Just when I thought about confessing, I suddenly felt scared. What if he rejected me? What if he hated me? What if he disgusted on me for being gay? What if our friendship ends just that way? No. I decided that my feelings weren't worth it to take such a risk. I couldn't lose Sungmin hyung.

So I called off my plan to confess to him on his birthday.

-End of Chapter 1-

I really am a beginner in writing fanfiction.
I made this fic in Kyuhyun's POV just because I like Sungmin more (?)
Anyway, thanks for reading...

chaptered, kyumin

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