Fanart Sungmin

Dec 16, 2009 15:11

Random Fanart
Character: Sungmin

A/N: Aahh, I felt so drawing today^^ Not good though~ I'm so bored so I just draw and draw until my hands hurt >< Maybe I'll just delete this when I'm no longer bored :p

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Comments 2

vivalapaparazzi December 16 2009, 10:20:51 UTC

I just wanna pinch his cheeks here~~
How can you draw so well, twinnie. :|
You should teach meee~


fanmin December 16 2009, 10:49:58 UTC
Ahaha, I'm not that good in drawing, Twinnie~~ I lacked compared to my friends >< But yeah, I would love to teach youu~~~

But yeah, I made Minnie so chubby that when I look at him again I think of Shindong o.o~
Thanks for commenting, hoho


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