I've been kind of pampering myself as of late. I'm getting more sleep, I'm taking better care of my body (maybe not with the kinds of foods, but definitely with how much food I consume; and I want to start a better skin care regiment)...okay, but focus on the positive, right? :) When I was in San Francisco last week,
iamradar pointed me out to
Lush. OH
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Comments 8
I've realised that without Adrian in it, I'm a lot less emotion involved with the show, which is probably a good thing, really. Still, I'm already working on'Nathan rises from the dead!' fic.
So maybe Mohinder is the one who really dies. That would fit with what Greg and Masi said. I'm not truly in denial here. I mean, Greg EXPLICITLY said "The Petrelli brothers are okay. Nathan is a red herring." I don't believe that Greg is a liar, too.
I'm pretty excited about this new show, too - I don't like Tennant much, but Tambor is ♥.
Mohinder on the new David Tennant show... OMG I was already planning to watch that. I would love to see him there.
"The Writing Diet" I'm going to have to drop by a bookstore and see if I can find it.
If this was his first time dying, I would say bring him back. I would even be sad. But I'm getting tired of them killing Nathan off every season in some form and then bringing him back. It's old hat, sort of like an 'They killed Kenny!' joke, and I don't want him to become that.
His is one of the rare deaths I'll respect. It isn't that I don't want him back, I do. I love Nathan and Adrian and they're both wonderful. But if they keep doing this, it's going to get tiring, you know?
I'll miss him, I know I will. That scene tore my heart. I'm not sure I like that Mohinder is the least cared-about character, it seems from that survey, but hey, he's kind of running out of story unless they do something.
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