For the first Manic Monday, here are my tasters (I have a little time before posting my baker's dozen, thank heavens).
It was Subversa's writing that really got me into the HP fan universe, and addicted me to the HGSS pairing. Strange to think I only discovered the whole thing a year ago! It was "His Draught of Delicate Poison" that got me initially, but there's another one of hers - "Send Not To Know" which has me going back time and again. It's a master of the hurt/comfort genre, very, very romantic, and shows a kind and practical (though vulnerable) Hermione taking charge of and humanising a Severus who learns that it is indeed a precious thing to be cared for. Oh, and some lemons at the end! The link: also posts on TPP.
Artsees! I'm proud to call Camillo my friend. She's also a very talented artist, and you should check out her gallery on DeviantArt. I've chosen this one, because it's the illustration she did for the final chapter of my first story, "A Fresh Start"