Apr 15, 2008 11:18
I am pleased to announce that Round Nine is officially open for nominations. This round's character corner is original characters and crossovers.
Round Nine challenge is The Third Slayer
This challenge (April 13th through June 15th 2008) focuses on those “other” Slayer who has been called either by: a) Buffy’s death when she jumped in Season Five. B) Another time Buffy died C) Post Chosen when all the Potentials have been called.
Be as creative as you want. The Slayer can be any current female character in the Buffy or Angel verse, any original character you create, or any female character in another universe.
You may enter an unlimited amount of stories which are new and a minimum of 1,000 words and/or one drabble or ficlet new, between 100 and 999 words.
You must provide a statement that this was written for the Fang Fetish Awards and provide a link. You may post it anywhere.
So what will it be? Dawn as a Slayer? Her best friend Janice? A potential who works with the Watchers Council? Another unknown girl in the outback? How about Slayers in SG-1, in Atlantis, at Hogwarts. A Cardiff Slayer?
Fiction should focus on the Slayer however it can be Gen (no pairings), fem or het pairings, or heck as long as the OC is a central point to the story you can write it male slash. (i.e. the central focus is on the Slayer, but Spike/Xander or Spike/Angel is the main pairing)
Edit: If we gave you the idea, and it is close to the challenge we will accept it! Come on - make a slayer!