(no subject)

Aug 09, 2007 17:06

Happy Birthday Fanfict00bs! Let’s see, three years old, huh? Well, a little young for strippers and alcohol, but cake and ice cream always works.

Okay, here I was, all ready to post, and then sbeegee  went ahead and posted her fic of pure genius. Seriously, who wants to follow that? It's like Tiger Woods just hit his driver 350 yards down the middle of the fairway, and I'm up next clutching desperately at my 3-wood as hundreds of people watch. Or, for a non-sports analogy that would be fanfict00bs-approved, it's like...um... like a bunch of designers came to your house and made everything look pretty and cleared out the clutter and painted the walls a nice mocha color with sconses and new window treatments and little boxes that you don't actually put anything in and nice maple cabinets instead of those outdated cabinets and...okay, i have no idea where i'm going with this.

So...whatever man. Here's my drabble not that anyone cares now cuz ms. porn decides to be all super-funny...well, maybe I'll go and write smut one day and it'll be so smutty and awesome and smutty and there will be people having sex in the story and there'll be boobs and stuff.

My drabble is inspired by one of the prompts way back by Duckie. Since bingblot already wrote something warm and heartfelt here, I’ll take it from another angle.

Rating: PG
Pairing: H/Hr
Word Count: 888
Prompt: their daughter son asks Harry how and when he fell in love with Hermione.

The Moment(s)

Summer, without a doubt, is my favorite time of the year, because that meant that the kids were home from Hogwarts. It was odd - they drive me crazy when they’re here, and I miss them terribly when they’re gone. Though, now that they’re older, the drive to Crazyville happens less.

Keegan, who was going into his seventh year at Hogwarts, and I were watching a Quidditch match on the Wireless, while Hermione was using the kitchen table as a desk as she tutored Caitlin on the finer points of Arithmancy. During a lull in the match, while a fallen Beater was being attended to, Keegan turned to look at me.

“Uh…hey Dad?”

I nodded absently as I watched the mediwizards try and reset the broken arm. “Hm?”


It was his tone of voice that piqued my interest. I turned my attention away from Quidditch and saw that Keegan was looking distinctly uncomfortable. “What is it Keegan?” He continued to look anxious, so I added, “Son, you can tell me anything.”

He took a deep breath. “Well…I was just wondering…with you and Mom…how did…well, how did you know that you were in love with Mom?”

After taking a second to process the question, I couldn’t stop the grin from appearing. It was gone as soon as it appeared, but Keegan noticed and slumped back in the couch with his arms across his chest. Obviously there was a reason he asked the question, and I wondered what her name was. I decided not to pry too much, at least not right now, and thought about how to answer when I noticed that the scratching of quills, which was almost a constant when Hermione and Caitlin were working, had ceased.

“Well, it’s hard to say,” I began. “There really wasn’t one time that I can point to and say that’s when I knew I was in love. I think part of it was because your Mom and I were friends for so long, since first year, that it was such a gradual process.”

Keegan nodded thoughtfully, which told me that she was likely a witch he’d known for quite some time. “But how did you know?”

I shook my head. “Listen, son, it was a very different time back then. Voldemort was still around, and me, your mom, and Uncle Ron were fighting a war. I imagine it’s easier to realize who you love when you’re faced daily with the possibility losing that person. When your mom was injured during one of the battles, it made me face up to the fact that she could’ve been killed, and I had to contemplate life without her. It was not an enjoyable task. That’s when I realized then that she was the most important person in my life, and that life wouldn’t be worth living without her.”

Keegan looked disappointed. “So,” he said, “short of a war breaking out, I’m on my own to figure this out?”

“Don’t worry,” I said encouragingly. “When it happens, you’ll know.”

“Okay,” he said half-heartedly.

An arm wrapped itself around my neck, and Hermione leaned over to give me a kiss. “That was very sweet, Harry,” she said.

I held her hand and tilted my head back to look at her. I didn’t have to say anything, just the look in my eyes telling her more than I could say. She leaned down again, and we shared a quick kiss before she went back to the kitchen. Keegan and I returned our attention to the Quidditch match, and about fifteen minutes later Hermione went upstairs while Caitlin worked out an Arithmancy problem.

As soon as I heard her footsteps recede, I motioned to my son. “Oh,” I said, “there was one time I can remember that told me that I loved your mom.”

“Oh?” he asked, interested.

I nodded. “Yeah, there was this one time when I accidentally walked in on her after she had just finished showering…” - Keegan practically leapt backwards, a look of horror on his face - “...and let me tell you, your mom has got a body to die for.”

“Oh. My. God.”

“I mean, she had the sexiest legs I ever saw, and the arse on the woman! It should be illegal!”

Keegan clamped his hands around his ears. “This is not happening…this is not happening…”

I grinned evilly. “Seriously, I just wanted to grab it and-”

Caitlin suddenly shrieked, “Dad! Stop!”

I made some odd grunting noises while I grabbed at an imaginary butt with my hands. Caitlin shrieked again and ran upstairs, Keegan right on her heels. I laughed delightedly, taking pleasure in freaking out my children.

Moments later, I heard the sounds of footsteps. “Harry Potter!” Hermione scolded as she came downstairs and stood in front of me with her hands on her hips. I saw Keegan and Caitlin watching accusingly from the stairs. “Our young, innocent children just told me what you said!”

I grinned without a hint of remorse. “And?”

“And…is my butt really that nice?”

“Oh yeah,” I said wickedly. “Let me at it!”

Hermione grinned just as wickedly and turned around. I grabbed her butt and made the odd grunting sounds again as my children’s screams echoed pleasantly through the house. We both laughed as I pulled her into my lap. “I love you, Hermione.”

“I love you too.”
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