Drabble request, the last

Feb 08, 2007 23:13

Title: Just Making Conversation
Request: for happy_daze - Hermione seems to know everything about Harry's lovelife, former and present. Why does it bother Harry that he knows next to nothing about hers? Past and present.
Words: 1000
A/N: Sorry this took so long to post. I went through about 4 different ideas before this one worked itself out and kept growing. Hope you like it :D

“Did you ever kiss Krum?”

Hermione paused from the report she was editing, her quill still poised on the paper, and looked up, stunned. “Pardon?”

Harry sat down across from her and took a sip from the tea cup he had in his hands. “Did you ever kiss Krum?”

Hermione blinked across the table at him, trying to gauge whether or not he was serious. His face was carefully blank, not giving any of his intentions or emotions away. Realizing she would figure nothing out by simply staring, she placed her quill down and sat back, hands folded in front of her. “What on earth could possess you to ask such a question?”

“Just making conversation.”

“That’s something from an awfully long time ago to bring up to merit the excuse ‘just making conversation’. You’re going to have to do better than that, Harry.”

Harry said nothing for a few moments. He simply sat across from her, mirroring her position in his chair, his hands folded on the table around his cup. Hermione fought the urge to squirm under his gaze.

Finally, he said, “Carolyn and I broke up.”

It was such an abrupt change in topic that Hermione had to take a moment to collect herself before she said, “I know. Ginny told me earlier this afternoon.” Carolyn was the most recent in a long line of short-lasting girlfriends in Harry’s life. Ginny had introduced Harry to her - the two of them worked together - hoping that maybe the two of them would last longer than his usual two to three week relationships. They had made it to two months before, as usual, Harry had broken it off, with some variation of the clichéd “it’s not you, it’s me” argument.

Harry nodded slowly and took another sip of his tea. He then asked, “How is it that you always know so much about my personal life, Hermione?”

Hermione was thrown. She wasn’t following where Harry was going with this line of questions and statements, and her head was beginning to spin with the effort of trying to understand. “You’re my friend, Harry. We share…well, everything.”

He shook his head. “No, Hermione. I didn’t tell you Carolyn and I broke up. Ginny did. When Hannah and I never made it to the restaurant on our first date, you found out from Luna. When I lost my virginity, I told you, but when you lost yours, I had to find out from Ron. You knew exactly how far Ginny and I went while we were going out sixth year even though I never told Ron, because Ginny told you. You know everything there is to know about my personal life and yet… I know next to nothing about yours.”

Hermione was completely floored. When Harry had first come into the kitchen and asked her about Krum, she had thought he was asking as a joke. She wasn’t expecting this. True, she wasn’t as open about her private life as most of her friends. And it wasn’t as if she’d meant to keep all those things from Harry. There were days she wanted to tell him about her relationships, on the rare occasion she was actually involved in one. Yet, for some reason, when she sat down to talk to him, it was like the words caught in her throat. Luna had told her once that it was because she loved Harry and she didn’t want to hurt him because she knew he loved her too. She’d laughed it off.

Looking at the pensive, open look in Harry’s eyes, the way he was staring at her now… she had to wonder if maybe there was a grain of truth in Luna’s words, and she was just too far in denial to admit it.

Hermione sighed. “I don’t mean to keep things from you, Harry. I don’t go out of my way to keep secrets. You’re my best friend, and you always have been. It’s just that…” She struggled to find the right words. “Sometimes, when I talk to you about relationships… about love… I just can’t find the words. They get caught in my throat, and I’m not sure why.” A thought occurred to her suddenly, and she asked, “Why does it bother you so much that I don’t talk to you about my private life?”

Harry was still staring at her with that thoughtful look on his face, and it was making Hermione nervous. This time, she really did start to fidget in her seat a bit. Instead of answering the question, Harry stood up, his eyes never leaving her face. “Did you ever kiss Krum?”

Hermione kept her eyes locked on his and found she could do nothing but answer the question. “Yes. Just once, during the Yule Ball. He was my first kiss.”

He kept moving towards her, and she found herself lost in his eyes, her heart beating faster and faster. Luna once told her that she was in love with Harry. Maybe she was right.

Harry leaned forward until his face was barely an inch away from hers. “Okay,” he said. Then, as if that was the cue he was waiting for, he closed the distance between them and kissed her.

The kiss was soft, gentle, as if he was waiting for her reaction, waiting to see if she would accept him. Hermione sighed and relaxed into him, allowing him to deepen the kiss and wrap his arms around her waist. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and ran one of her hands through his hair.

She was the first to pull away, leaning her forehead against his. She took a moment to catch her breath before saying, “I guess this means you don’t have to worry about me keeping things from you anymore.”

“That depends.” Harry gave her a little grin. “Did you ever kiss some bloke named Harry Potter? I hear he’s quite the charmer.”

Her only response was to smile and kiss him again.
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