Title: About Songs and Dance
Author: Royalty25
Rating: PG
Prompt Set: 100.2
Prompt: # 27 Melody for
100quills Word Count: 603
Summary: Alicia's singing catches Miles' attention.
Disclaimer: These characters are never mine
Alicia loves music. She has been enjoying music since she was a little girl. It was something that her mother taught her to love. Her mother had been a dancer in her lifetime; her life cut short by an ignorant Death Eater that had nothing better to do with his time. A part of Alicia believes there's something more to her mother's death, but she won't look into it. She's afraid of what she'll find out.
Alicia's father never talks about her mother and she never pushes him to. Their relationship is fairly strong. Partly because they rarely get into disputes. Alicia has her father's temper and can stop herself from clashing with him before it even starts.
As a teenager Alicia was eager to dance and sing. While at Hogwarts she sings to her friends Angelina and Katie. They applaud her and compliment her, which is Alicia's favorite part.
"Are you thinking about becoming a singer?" asks Katie.
"I never really thought about that," Alicia replies honestly.
"We'll you should. We can help you," Angelina offers.
Alicia politely declines because she knows her father will go into a fit if he finds out. He has always tried to keep Alicia away from her mother's hobbies, but it never really worked. Alicia believes that by getting closer to what her mother loved she'll somehow get closer to her.
As a child she used to wonder why her mother left her alone for so many hours and would return home in time to make Alicia breakfast. For some time she resented the time music and dance took away from her. She never understood what was so important about it all. She just wanted her mother to be around more often. Soon she would understand the lure of it all.
One day as everyone goes to Hogsmeade, Alicia stays behind to do some homework. She heads for the library to finish her Charms essay. An hour into the essay writing Alicia finds herself distracted by her own soft humming. She has a song stuck in her head and she can't seem to place it. A part of her thinks she's being silly, but another part is telling her to look into it more. She ends up shrugging it off and continuing her essay. She finishes the essay promptly and leaves the library. As she walks down the halls she ends up singing one of her favorite songs softly, not knowing that Miles Bletchley is nearby listening to her.
Suddenly her books are flying everywhere and she's getting ready to yell at whoever was rude enough to bump into her. Her eyes land on Miles and they instantly narrow.
"It's called watching where you're going," she snaps.
"It's called not taking up so much damn space," he snarls back.
"That's real original Miles. Why don't you get a life?"
"Don't sound so bitter Spinnet. I'm sure there are plenty of people who want to be your friend. I'm just not one of them."
"I don't want you to be my friend!"
"Then why did you make it so easy for me to bump into you?"
Alicia rolls her eyes and starts to pick up her things. Miles grabs her wrist to stop her. She tries to pull it away, but to no avail. He looks at her deeply before saying, "You shouldn't sing such beautiful, melodious songs if you don't want to get someone's attention."
With these words he leaves her alone. Alicia is shocked. Miles actually paid her a compliment and a good one at that. She's in awe with herself and vows to not sing songs while walking down hallways alone. Next time she'll make sure she has someone with her.