The one you're looking for could be: Be My Voice in This World by luchia13: Crossover with Tamora Pierce's Tortall universe. In which Sir John of Fief Watson (aka Mad John) becomes Sir John of newly-created kind-of-a-Fief Baker Street and meets the demigod of insanity via divine intervention-slash-matchmakerness. Together they fight crime, and people explode! (Sherlock/John)
You might also be interested in this one: Magnificent by esama, which is a Hetalia-esque crossover with Harry Potter & Sherlock. The birth of the Ministry of Magic (Harry) and his relationship with the British Government (Mycroft). Harry Potter/Mycroft Holmes
Okay, because my comment is still only appearing to me, I'm going to re-comment, and hope this works. The fic that came to mind when I was this was London Incarnate, which can be found on Archive of Our Own. The URL, broken apart to try and slip past whatever madness LJ is inflicting upon us now, is: http :// archiveofourown. org/ works/ 243065 Obviously, one should delete the spaces.
Comments 3
Be My Voice in This World by luchia13: Crossover with Tamora Pierce's Tortall universe. In which Sir John of Fief Watson (aka Mad John) becomes Sir John of newly-created kind-of-a-Fief Baker Street and meets the demigod of insanity via divine intervention-slash-matchmakerness. Together they fight crime, and people explode! (Sherlock/John)
You might also be interested in this one:
Magnificent by esama, which is a Hetalia-esque crossover with Harry Potter & Sherlock. The birth of the Ministry of Magic (Harry) and his relationship with the British Government (Mycroft). Harry Potter/Mycroft Holmes
The fic that came to mind when I was this was London Incarnate, which can be found on Archive of Our Own. The URL, broken apart to try and slip past whatever madness LJ is inflicting upon us now, is: http :// archiveofourown. org/ works/ 243065
Obviously, one should delete the spaces.
Let's see if this passes, then!
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