Transformers, Stunticon Gestalt Team: #40, Sight & #71, Broken

Jul 29, 2010 20:52

Title: Not Quite Kindness
Fandom: Transformers
Characters: Stunticon Gestalt Team, Brawl, Swindle
Prompt: #40, Sight
Word Count: 105
Rating: G
Summary: It wasn't quite kindness - but it was Motormaster.

Not Quite Kindness


People are staring.

Wildrider's laughing like a loon, and Drag Strip's snarling at Swindle like he can do anything to the Combaticon, and people are staring at him.

Dead End cycles air through his vents in a sigh, and Brawl takes that as an insult. The tank lunges across a third of the mess hall, going for the Porsche and drawing even more optics.

Breakdown's engine starts to whine, rattling loose the bolts holding the mess hall tables to the deck.

A heavy hand settles on his shoulder. "Get out of here," Motormaster rumbles, "'Fore I rip your tires off and feed 'em to you."


Title: Accident
Characters: Motormaster, Drag Strip
Prompt: #71, Broken
Word Count: 192 words
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Drag Strip taunts an injured Motormaster.



"I was buying time for Megatron and Starscream to finish with the fucking molecular disassembler," Motormaster growled for the third time.

Drag Strip snorted. "You got t-boned because you were too busy chasing the wingy bitch to pay attention to the road."

The grey truck's engine snarled, and he lunged forward, tires sending up a spray of gravel.

Drag Strip reversed, weaving back and forth in a zig-zag, managing to keep just out from under his brother's tires. Barely. "Loser! Sore loser."

"You're one to talk, pussy." His injuries hampered him from chasing Drag Strip. Optimus Prime had slammed into him at full speed, creating a false jackknife in Motormaster's trailer where it bent nearly perpendicular to itself. "Can't even lose at fucking cards without throwing a temper tantrum."

"Shove it up your tailpipe," Drag Strip snapped. "I don't have to repair you."

"You don't need to repair me. Breakdown's on his way."

Drag Strip grumbled as Motormaster settled slightly, but he didn't drive any closer to his brother. He wasn't entirely suicidal, not like Dead End and Wildrider behaved.

Still, he'd treasure the recording of Optimus fucking Prime t-boning Motormaster forever.


transformers: stunticon gestalt team

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