Transformers, Stunticon Gestalt Team: #32, Sunset

Jul 28, 2010 12:52

Title: Sunset
Fandom: Transformers
Characters: Stunticon Gestalt Team
Prompt: #32, Sunset
Word Count: 132
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Wildrider wants to watch the world burn.



The sun is an angry red ball on the horizon, casting the whole world in cold-burning red. Wildrider knows he's just seeing it through the pollution-haze as they roar towards Detroit, but it's comforting to pretend the sun really will burn everything up.

Fire will crackle, people will scream, buildings will crash and crack and melt in a cacophony of noise. It won't be a silent death. It'll be long and loud, forests roaring as they ignite and burn, rivers hissing into steam, fish sizzling as they boil.

He'll drive through the chaos until his tires melt. He'll sit and listen until his chassis melts. He'll live and live and live in the noise until his lasercore goes dark.

And then he won't be around to hear the silence that comes after.


transformers: stunticon gestalt team

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