Transformers, Stunticon Gestalt Team: #02, Middles

Jul 22, 2010 21:44

Title: Eastbound and Down
Fandom: Transformers
Characters: Motormaster, Rumble, Autobots
Prompt: #02, Middles
Word Count: 154 words
Rating: G
Summary: Eight Autobots vs. two Decepticons isn't enough when one of them is Motormaster.

Eastbound and Down


"Faster! The smokies are gaining!" Rumble whooped, pounding on the side of Motormaster's door as he leaned out the window. He'd learned, thanks to the hapless Frenzy, that pounding on anything inside of Motormaster's cabin was grounds for eviction and stompage. But outside, all was protected by forcefields.

"There ain't a 'faster'," Motormaster growled. "This is as fast as it gets, runt."

"Then they're gonna catch us!"

Motormaster's side mirror shifted, catching sunlight and reflecting it like a sharp grin. "Yeah. Real shame."

Rumble gulped and glanced back down the road at Prowl and the other Autobots. Sunstreaker's door was torn off, Jazz's rear-axle smoked, a lot of them were dented from their earlier run-in with the Stunticons. But the whole gang was still on the road, and Motormaster was alone.

Rumble paused, optics flicking to the Decepticon symbol in the middle of Motormaster's steering wheel. "Sucks to be them. Dibs on Prowl's flasher-bar!"


transformers: stunticon gestalt team

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