Title: Staring At The Cloud
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Voldemort
Prompt: 054 Air
Word Count: 288
Rating: PG
Summary: She thinks he's finally lost it.
Author's Notes: Written for another challenge on FF.net, but I felt it might work out here just as well.
"What are you doing?"
"What does it look like I'm doing?"
"Yes, Melodie?"
"What, exactly, are you staring at?"
"Is it not obvious?"
"If it were, I'm fairly certain that I wouldn't be asking."
"Hmm...that seems fair enough."
"Again, what are you staring at?"
"Oh, yes. If you really must know, I'm staring at that cloud."
"What cloud?"
"That one. You see it? Just over there."
"Um..why are you staring at the cloud?"
"Obviously, it's because I'm bored, Melodie."
"Mm. Obviously."
"It must be very lonely."
"What must be? The cloud? Yes, I agree. It is the only one in the sky today. It must be very lonely, indeed."
"Er...well, yes, but that's not what I was talking about."
"Then what were you talking about?"
"What I meant is, it must be very lonely inside of your head."
"And what, pray tell, do you mean by that?"
"Well, your mind has been occupied for so long on one singular thing, and now that that's gone to hell in a handbasket, it must be rather lonely for your brain."
"I don't follow."
"That's a shocker. May I make a suggestion?"
"If you must."
"If I were you,"
"Thank diety for small favors."
"If I were you, I'd get a new hobby."
"Such as?"
"Oh...I don't know. Drinking? Smoking? Drugs? I'm fairly sure that anything that may come of any combination of the three would much better that spending your afternoon staring out the window, wondering wether or not that cloud is lonely, simply because you're bored. Honestly. You're not a very productive person, when your plans are run through the wringer and hung out to dry, are you?"