Transformers, Stunticons, #22: Enemies

Jun 24, 2009 16:25

Title: Bullet Time
Fandom: Transformers G1
Characters: Motormaster, Elita One
Prompt: #22 Enemies
Word Count: 365
Rating: PG
Summary: Elita One fights Motormaster.


Chromia can handle Wildrider. Firestar and Moonracer can deal with any other Stunticons who join the party.

Elita One spared a moment to think that thought, and in that moment, Motormaster smashed through the machinery she had dodged around.


His arm froze, sword-upraised to cleave her from shoulder to hip. The snarled abuse he hurled at her ceased. Shrapnel fragments hung in the air. Everything was a lurid array of color that made her ache to process.

But it was only pain.

She pulled Wheeljack's device out, stepped forward to slap it against Motormaster's plating, then threw herself to the side.


The sword slashed through the air where she had stood, and Motormaster turned towards her-

The black truck bellowed as the device went off, pumping thirty thousand volts of electricity through his forcefield. The shield flickered visibly in Decepticon-purple, died.

Elita One smiled.


She pulled out her pistol and checked the charge. Fast, she would have to do this fast. In and out of time. Like how Skywarp handled space.

She aimed at his wheels.


Laser-blast, his tire exploded.


She aimed at another wheel.


Another tire exploded. His mouth peeled back in a rictus-snarl.


Another wheel.


Another explosion. His sword moved inexorably towards her.


Eighteen-wheelers, she decided, were a pain to do this on. She cycled her pistol to a wider beam-array and aimed for a whole set of his wheels.


A whole set exploded, and she lost his curse as she shifted back into the lurid array of light.


The Stunticons were armored like tanks even without their forcefields. Elita One adjusted her pistol to a tight, powerful beam and aimed at Motormaster's head.

All she needed from this was to crack open his armor.


Her blast drilled a hole in Motormaster's forehead. He reacted quick as thought-


Elita One found herself staring down the massive barrel of the Stunticon's rifle. She took a step to the side and readjusted her pistol a wide-beam array.

Then she walked through the lurid array of light to press her pistol to the hole in his head.


Elita One pulled the trigger.


transformers: stunticon gestalt team

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