Title: Blooms
Fandom: The Painted Veil (2006)
Characters: Dr Walter Fane & Kitty Fane
Prompt: 036 - Smell
Word Count: 140
Rating: U
Summary: Walter and Kitty are in a flower shop.
“Do you like flowers?” Walter asked. He’d always thought Kitty smelled like one - fresh and fragrant. She always carried an air of fragility around with her, like a perfect bloom one should handle carefully. She fascinated him.
“No, not really. I mean yes,” she corrected herself. “It just seems a shame to waste time on something that’s just going to die.”
Walter didn’t know what to make of that. He’d always thought that flowers were rather nice. But he supposed they did die.
Everything died. So why waste time on anything?
There was a depressing life philosophy. He decided to go back to smelling the flowers.
Title: A List
Fandom: The Painted Veil (2006)
Characters: Dr Walter Fane & Kitty Fane
Prompt: 015 - Blue
Word Count: 120
Rating: U
Summary: Kitty ponders.
Should she marry Walter? Kitty looked into his eyes. She could not believe he actually wanted an answer now, right now, this minute.
Quick! Her mind told her. Make a list of good things. Reasons to marry him.
- Her mother would be happy.
- Doris would be less annoying if Kitty saw her less.
- Walter would whisk her away to an exotic new place.
- He really did have the most incredible blue eyes.
She thought his eyes were his most attractive feature. She admitted that she had not noticed them at first, but now she realised that they were the perfect blue of a July sky. One could almost drown in them. Yes, coupled with his blonde hair, they were his very best feature.