Days Of Our Lives: Bo and Hope

Jan 14, 2007 17:22

Title: Through The Years
Fandom: Days Of Our Lives
Characters: Bo and Hope Brady
Prompt: 010. Years
Word Count: 1,110
Rating: G
Summary: Through pictures, Bo and Hope remember some important moments of their life together
Author's Notes: 10th chapter for fanfic100
Story Table

Cleaning was never a favorite hobby of Hope's, but she knew that it was something she had to get done. With Zack and Ciara spending the afternoon with Shawn, she knew that now was the perfect time to get the cleaning done. If she tried to do it with Zack and Ciara, she knew it wouldn't get done, as she would put something away, they would take it out, and so on and so forth to the point where once night came, the house looked the same as it did when she started

She had cleaned Zack and Ciara's rooms already and was now onto her and Bo's room. Their room was more of a task because two people shared it. That meant there were twice as many clothes and articles in the closet, and with Hope loving to keep memoirs of everything, they had plenty of knick-knacks and picture frames that collected dust

Humming to herself, she started organizing the closet. There wasn't much to do, as it was fairly clean anyway. Once finished with the closet, she went on to dusting

"What are you doing Fancy Face?" Bo asked, walking into the bedroom

"Just dusting," Hope responded, picking up a frame and gently wiping it with a washcloth

"Do you want some help?" Bo offered

"You want to help me clean?" Hope questioned him, slightly surprised that he wanted to help her clean

"Sure," Bo responded, "I have nothing else to do since you are cleaning"

"You do have a point there," Hope winked, handing Bo a washcloth

Bo took a picture and looked at it. "Do you remember this?" he asked, turning the picture to face Hope

"Bo, that's our wedding picture from 1985. Of course I remember that!"

Bo looked at the picture again and smiled, "That was one of the happiest days of my life"

"Mine too," Hope responded, "It felt like it was going to take forever to happen"

"I know," Bo agreed, "But I was willing to do anything to make sure we were together"

"Like having your friend Howie dress up as me on my wedding day to Larry Welch"

Bo grinned, "But it worked, didn't it? I was able to sweep you away!"

"Yes, it did, but still," Hope giggled, "Howie?!"

"Hey at least he would do it for us!"

"That is true. At least he was crazy enough to go along with it"

Hope put down the picture she had been dusting and picked up another one. This one was of her and Bo's wedding in 2000. "And our other wedding," she smiled, looking down at the picture

"That was a good one as well. Too bad we don't have a picture of our, ah, secret wedding before that"

"It's a good thing we don't!" Hope laughed, "I was in labor!"

"As Julie said, it would have given a whole new meaning to blushing bride," Bo replied, putting down the picture he had been dusting and picking up another one. This one was from New Orleans, "Hey, look at this one"

A soft smile came to Hope's face, "New Orleans...Oak Alley"

Bo reached over and touched Hope's face slightly, "We had a good time there"

"We have a very special time there." Hope picked up another picture and started to dust it. This one was of her, Bo, and Shawn on the Fancy Face I when Shawn was just a baby, "And then we had a very good time sailing around the world with our baby boy"

"Those years were amazing. I don't think anything could have made those times more special"

"I wish we could do it again"

"But now we have two little rugrats who probably wouldn't want to stay on a boat for so long," Bo chuckled, picking up a picture of Shawn, Zack, and Ciara

"Yeah, you're probably right," Hope nodded, "They have a hard enough time in the car sometimes"

"Plus I don't think the Fancy Face III is big enough"

"Well we could always get another one?" Hope grinned

Bo raised his eyebrow, but leaned over and kissed his wife's cheek

Hope sighed sadly as she picked up a small frame and showed it to Bo. It was of her, Bo, Shawn, and JT

"JT..." Bo sighed, touching the little boy's face in the picture, "I miss him"

"Me too," Hope responded, "I hope he's getting everything he needs and wants from Glen and Barb," she added, quickly dusting that picture and putting it down because it brought a lump in her throat

"Look at this one," Bo said, holding up a picture of Alice, Doug, and Julie, "Wasn't this at your Gran's 90th birthday party?"

Hope nodded, "Yes, I believe it was taken after everyone had danced. Oh my gosh I hate this picture," Hope shook her head with a laugh

"Then why did you insist on keeping it up?"

Hope shrugged, "Because I wanted to remind myself that I once worked for the police force? Alright, I guess it does serve some purpose"

"As does this one," Bo smiled, picking up a picture of him and Hope dancing together at their party that the force had thrown for them in the late 90's

Hope leaned over and looked at the picture, "That was the party you surprised me by knowing how to do the Macarena"

"And the party I taught you how to do it"

"Wasn't Zack adorable in this costume?" Hope smiled, holding up a picture of Zack dressed up in a Halloween costume shortly after they had gotten him back

"That was a tough year," Bo thought out loud, "Lexie trying to take him from us and all, plus losing JT"

Hope nodded sadly, "But we know JT is being taken care of, and obviously the same for Zack, so it's all ok"

Bo picked up a final picture. It was one of him, Hope, and Ciara in the hospital just after Ciara had been born, "Us and our little Doodlebug"

"After so long, we finally got our baby girl," Hope smiled, putting a picture back on the shelf

"Well that's all of them," Bo announced, putting the picture of him, Hope, and Ciara back on the shelf, "Now what should we do?"

"Clean underneath the bed?" Hope suggested, walking over to their bed, "I have an idea! I think you, Shawn, Zack, Ciara, and I should all have a family portrait done. We haven't had one done yet"

Bo smiled, "I really like that idea. We should schedule for having one done a couple weeks from now. Then we'll have one more piece of our life together to display"

days of our lives: hope brady/bo brady

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