BSG: William Adama, 011: Red

Jan 10, 2007 22:41

Title: Lady in Red
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Character: William Adama (with Laura Roslin)
Prompt: 011: Red
Word Count: 533
Rating: PG
Summary: Bill Adama can't help Thinking Things about his former C-in-C ...
Author's Notes: Spoilers for BSG ep 309, "Unfinished Business"

Damn, but she looks sexy in full color.

Not the most appropriate thought for a man to have, looking up to see the Colonials' former President and current head schoolteacher for the first time in weeks. But Laura Roslin's wrap and long skirt were made of a clingy, drapy fabric in brilliant red, light-years away from her conservative suits or practical sweaters. William Adama doubted he was the only man in the settlement whose thoughts were more appreciative than they ought to be.

His appreciation deepened as she sat beside him after her lightly teasing comment about playing in the sand. Only a small fraction of his brainpower was needed to discourse on the geology of dry riverbeds; the rest tried staunchly to keep his eyes from lingering on the rich crimson draping her thighs, framing the creamy skin of her cleavage--until she broke that resolve with two words. "How romantic."

He turned his head, catching a glimpse of the merry gleam in her eyes before she turned to look to the front. Realization struck.

Laura wasn't teasing. She was flirting. Openly. With him.

Deciding his theory needed a test, he reversed tactics, letting his gaze roam down over her seated form, then back up to linger for a moment at chest level before once again meeting hers. The corners of her eyes crinkled.

"That's a nice color on you." He meant it. The fire of her hair should never have worked with the cooler red wrapping her body, and yet it did. Add in the sunlight ... Bill suddenly realized that he'd never seen Laura in full sunlight before New Caprica; even their time on Kobol had been spent under clouds and trees. The glow pouring over her completed her, accenting her vibrant warmth and sparkling eyes.

"Thank you." She adjusted the lie of her wrap, not to hide the soft twin swells of her breasts, but to better frame them in that attention-demanding color. Louder than words, the caressing gesture said so glad you noticed, Bill, and he had to stifle a grin. Flirtation confirmed.

So, what to do with a flirtatious, vivacious, suddenly insouciant Laura Roslin?

Bill faced front again, finding himself content to contemplate the possibilities and let her set the pace. For now at least.

"It's good to see you, Laura." In so many ways.

After a brief pause, she answered, "You too, Bill." He felt her slender hand stroke his arm.

When he once again looked into her face, her cheeks flushed lightly and the gentle rose of her lips curved into another captivating smile. He thought he finally understood why red was thought to be the color of joy.

He understood even better that evening, lying on his back, looking up at the sky with Laura nestled next to him.

"Maybe we should just enjoy this," she murmured.

Bill glanced down at his shoulder, which she'd quite conveniently turned into a pillow for herself. Darkness had stolen most of the color from their surroundings, but he could feel her heartbeat and knew that she could feel his. The red blood pulsing through their bodies created a pocket of shared heat that defied the night's chill.

"I am."


bsg (2004): william adama

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