Transformers: Stunticon Gestalt Team. #23: Lovers; #60: Drink; #81: How?

Jul 10, 2006 20:44

Title: Afterglow
Fandom: Transformers
Characters: Motormaster, Breakdown, Drag Strip, Dead End, and Wildrider
Prompt: 23 - Lovers
Word Count: 177
Rating: PG-13(?)
Summary: Being all tired out after sex doesn't put an end to the competitiveness.


There were two pairs of arms wrapped around him, and Drag Strip and Motormaster were growling at each other over his head. If he could work up the energy to do something about it... well, he'd do something about it. For now, he just watched them both and continued to pet Dead End's helm. The Porsche lay with his head on Breakdown's abdomen, shoulders spreading the Lamborghini's thighs.

Wildrider giggled softly and curled up tighter to Dead End, his head on Breakdown's knee. "I can barely move, and I know Deady and Breakdown can't. What're you two going to do if you win?"

Drag Strip paused. "... 'll Have won," he mutters, his strained vocoder reducing his voice to a rasp.

Wildrider giggled again. Motormaster tugged Breakdown closer to him, which wound up tugging the whole pile over as the Lamborghini's legs were locked around Dead End's shoulders, and neither Wildrider nor Drag Strip were willing to let go of their brothers.

Breakdown smiled at Motormaster and hoped nothing required him to move for the next twelve hours.


Title: Siphoning Gasoline
Fandom: Transformers
Characters: Motormaster, Breakdown
Prompt: 60 - Drink
Word Count: 208
Rating: PG
Summary: When you're the leader of a team, you learn to put the whole team first. Even in starvation situations.
Author's Notes: Post-Movie, pre-S3.


"You shouldn't do this," Breakdown whispered. "You're barely-"

Motormaster covered his mouth with his own again, the ragged fuel line pushing through his mouth and into the Lamborghini's. He sawed it against Breakdown's mandenta until it ruptured again and precious fuel poured out.

Breakdown couldn't help gulping it down - he was so hungry! He pressed closer to the grey semi-truck, trying to drink down everything he would give. For one blessed moment, it didn't matter that Motormaster barely drank any of the energon the Stunticons scavenged or that when he did, he'd take one of them aside and feed it to them. No, now there was just heat and electricity flashing through him, and he was almost his old self again, zooming down the roads-

Then the flow of fuel ceased and Motormaster pulled back. Breakdown quivered in his arms, optics at full-bright. "You shouldn't-"

"Shut up."

Breakdown ducked his head. He could hear Motormaster panting, too fuel-starved to cool himself with his radiator. Carefully, the Lamborghini extricated himself from his brother's grip. "Yes, Motormaster. I'll-" I'll find some fuel, I'll get us some repairs, I'll make everything better- "I'll go scavenge."


"Motormaster- The Autobots-"


Breakdown nodded and walked away, feet scuffing against the rocky ground.


Title: Jail-Break
Fandom: Transformers
Characters: Breakdown, Wildrider, Bluestreak, Ratchet
Prompt: 81 - How?
Word Count: 1253
Rating: PG
Summary: They're two captured Stunticons. They're practically invulnerable. They're crazy. How exactly do you keep them imprisoned? And how do they get back out?
Author's Notes: This was originally done for the Livejournal 28s meme (as were the other two fics in this post), so it's just tagged with the theme and character on my journal.


My Little Table

transformers: stunticon gestalt team

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