Title: Peek-a-boo!
Fandom: House
Characters: Stacy/Cuddy
Prompt: 076 - Who?
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Summary: Stacy plays a game.
Lisa’s bent over the front of her desk, shuffling through some papers. The door’s open and Stacy has little trouble tiptoeing in, shoes left at the door. It’s past 6:00 PM and Lisa’s gathering her things for the night.
Standing behind Lisa, Stacy places her hands over Lisa’s eyes.
‘Guess who?’ She whispers, leaning in to softly kiss Lisa’s cheek. Lisa laughs, her hands going up to wrap around Stacy’s wrists. Pulling her hands back, Lisa turns her head, grinning at Stacy. She set her hands on Stacy’s shoulders.
‘I already knew,’ she whispered, kissing her softly on the lips.