Title: New World
Fandom: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, General Series
Characters: Kurogane, Fai, Syaroan, Sakura
Prompt: Beginnings
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Summary: The group's initial feelings upon arriving in a new world.
Author's Notes: No warnings, no spoilers, just some good old-fashioned drabbling.
Arrival in a new world was mixed emotions which collided and rolled around each other until they no longer belonged to the individual but collectively to the group. There was excitement replaced by disappointment at the lack of familiar scenery; anxiety which captured that lost excitement upon noting the lack of familiar scenery increased by the other's disappointment. There was the grim determination for a succesful end, and the innocent wonder of discovery. Once they reestablished their roles in the new world, they pushed aside their conflicting ideals and united in their common goal to reach a new beginning quickly.