Firefly. Zoe Washburne. Green 014

Mar 13, 2006 17:56

Title: Colors of Love (1/5) Green: Attraction
Fandom: Firefly
Characters: Zoë, Jayne
Pairing: Zoë/Wash, hints of Zoë/Jayne
Prompt: Green
Word Count: 146
Rating: G
Summary: Jayne remembers how he fell in love with Zoë.
Author's Notes: This series is modeled after the stagesoflove drabble challenge on livejournal.

She was beautiful. Legs that went on forever. Mane of dark curls that would gently frame her face on the occasions she left it loose. With her, he didn’t just think about sex. He wanted to be the one to make love to her. It was a different feeling for him.

Jayne Cobb didn’t get jealous. But he was extremely green when he saw her with Wash. He respected the pilot, no doubt about that. He may have been crazy but he was the best pilot in the ‘verse. He got to love Zoë, to be loved by her. He was the luckiest son of a bitch in the ‘verse.

Jayne took to teasing them. He remembered when Niska had taken Wash and Mal. The worry on her face. She was scared for them, especially Wash. Would she have been that scared if it was him?

firefly: zoe washburne

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