Title: One of those Days
Fandom: LOTR
Character: Samwise
Prompt: 007. Days
Word Count: 168
Rating: G
Author's Notes: Also written for
theatrical_muse Rocks and more rocks. Rocks for as far as the eye could see, behind and before, and no respite in sight. Sharp, jagged, and unforgiving, like teeth longing to chomp and tear and rend. Sam's hands and feet were raw and badly bruised from scrabbling over shale and climbing down boulders. The landscape was bleakly barren and gray, devoid of any kind of vegetation.
What a terrible place, he thought to himself, not for the first time (or the last). Oh, how he longed to see something -- anything! -- green and growing. A blade of grass or a single leaf. Why, even a weed he'd greet joyfully.
"Tomorrow, Sam," said Frodo, laying a reassuring hand on his friend's shoulder. "Surely we'll come to the end of it tomorrow." That he had offered the very same hope the day before was left unchallenged. "It can't last forever."
As Sam winced and bent to pluck another sharp pebble from between his toes, he wished he could be as certain.