Town Square in the Park, Saturday Afternoon

Dec 10, 2016 09:58

Most of the information they had found was circumstantial, at best: rumors about what might have happened, strange reports that could mean anything about what caused this. But from it had arisen one potential path, the destruction of whatever anchored this place here - though whether it was an anchor that held their island tied to this, or an anchor that held this island tied to its doom, Obi-Wan couldn't say.

Regardless, it was time. He made his way to town square after spending some time urging people to come there. Just to make sure, he raised his voice. "May I have your attention?" he called.

And waited. A bit.

"I'm sorry if I am being presumptuous. My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi. I am... newly here. I, and several of our people, have spent some time researching the current state of the island." Yes. That. "We have identified two creatures that may be involved in powering our current circumstances. Therefore, we find it credible that removing these creatures may at the very least improve our circumstances some."

He couldn't make any promises, here.

"If you are willing to volunteer to take on a flying man vulnerable to electricity, and an easily-distractable... thing... out in town, please do report to me." Beat. "And Principal Zoe? I would like to speak with you as well."

He stepped away from the rock he'd stood on, straightened his robe, and waited.

[[ wait for the ocd up! ]]

park, obi-wan kenobi

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