It had been a week since he'd gotten home, and Sparkle had barely even managed to function since then. Atton had taken off somewhere again, presumably to give him space. Maybe to have some for himself. Hell if he knew. Hell if he knew much of anything, except that gravity was weird here now and apparently something Fandom-fucked-up had happened
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But fuck it. He was gonna keep on walking.
"Yo, Sparkle," he called, as he noticed a familiar figure up ahead. "Smoke break?"
"Oh my god," he chuckled, shaking his head. "I can't get pasta how terrible that was."
Gold star Dante.
He meant that affectionately. He was, after all, still smiling as he said it.
"... I needed that."
There was no escape from this place. He'd never lived anywhere for that long.
Surviving the things that wanted him dead had been a long series of flukes and having friends who were better equipped for this shit than he was.
Making the right friends was a skill, too.
"I... guess so..." He was dubious, but dubious was still a step up from traumatized. "That part is important, yeah."
It was hard to be around for the aftermath if you were dead, generally.
"So cut yourself some slack," he said. "Shitting hell, Sparkle. You're like a normal people-shaped badass in the surviving-Fandom department."
He'd kind of hecked up on that one.
"Okay," he replied, shrugging. "I am not unlike a surviving Fandom god. Does it still count if what happened was, like, nowhere near Fandom?"
Not that he'd never been kidnapped or stabbed on the island, either, granted.
Regardless of that, though, he just shrugged again. "I don't know," he said. "How Fandomy was this not-on-Fandom?"
"Kidnapped by a crime syndicate, held hostage so the government wouldn't get too close? And then lots of death happened."
... Not actually all that Fandomy.
"In space."
Slightly more Fandomy.
"I'm starting to think I shoulda packed drinks today," Dante ventured.
Take it from a surviving Fandom badass.
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