Outside town hall- Sunday afternoon

Apr 24, 2016 08:41

With Anakin's message going out yesterday, help was more than welcome in getting rid of the alien ship hovering above them, waiting for whatever the next step was. And since there were probably a few ships in a few different places around the island and no one place to meet, Jaina sent a text to the general Fandom population:

If you've got a ship ( Read more... )

cade, town hall, skaar, ben skywalker, anakin skywalker, atton rand, jaina solo, luke skywalker

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Comments 58

suitablyheroic April 24 2016, 15:51:13 UTC
Atton'd been ready to go since that morning; he was completely unsurprised to get the gather-up-and-go message.

"Mine's on top of MCA," he said without preamble, wandering into the area.


solo_sword April 24 2016, 15:53:33 UTC
"Okay. I'm at the junk yard," Jaina said. It was where she used to keep her X-wing, and old habits died hard. "It's kind of amazing to me that this place has never had a real shipyard, now that I think about it."


suitablyheroic April 24 2016, 15:58:22 UTC
"No space, unless they decide to park it off the docks, I guess," Atton said, shrugging. "Have we got a gameplan here?"


solo_sword April 24 2016, 16:03:15 UTC
"Not a very solid one," she admitted. "Doesn't seem like they had much time for intel, so it's basically go up there and blow things up. It'll be more specific when everyone's here and my squadron commander hat goes on."

Because she was probably the bossiest pilot here.


makemyownway April 24 2016, 15:51:57 UTC
Cade strode in, hungover, in black leather pants and a shirt with no sleeves.

So not a lot had changed since last year.

"Am I getting paid for this?" he asked no one in particular.


suitablyheroic April 24 2016, 15:58:51 UTC
"No," Atton said, rolling his eyes, "And take a painkiller and a glass of water before you do anything, Cade."


makemyownway April 24 2016, 16:11:16 UTC
"Sure thing, Mom," Cade said, rolling his eyes.


suitablyheroic April 24 2016, 16:13:04 UTC
"Ha ha. I just don't want one of these mynocks on my ass because you fell asleep behind the controls," Atton said.


momslilassassin April 24 2016, 16:02:51 UTC
"I'm next to you, Jaina," Ben said with a grin. "Nice ship, by the way."


solo_sword April 24 2016, 16:09:14 UTC
"Why thank you," Jaina smiled. "I'm sure you've never seen anything like it before."


momslilassassin April 24 2016, 16:14:33 UTC
"Never," Ben said, eyes wide. He leaned in to give her a hug. "Good to see you, invasion aside."


solo_sword April 24 2016, 16:24:05 UTC
"You too. We should make it a more regular thing," she said.


tatooine_doofus April 24 2016, 16:06:25 UTC
"The junkyard's plenty crowded right now," Luke admitted with a smile as he came into the room with hugs for most of them. "Dad, I brought you an X-Wing, too. Don't blow it up."


sith_happened April 24 2016, 16:08:08 UTC
"I would never!" Anakin said, glaring at him even as he hugged Luke.


tatooine_doofus April 24 2016, 16:15:38 UTC
"Sure you wouldn't," Luke said.


solo_sword April 24 2016, 16:10:22 UTC
"No one blow up!" Jaina ordered. Just in case it needed to be said.


oldstrongest1 April 24 2016, 17:24:59 UTC
Skaar got the text. He didn't have a spaceship, but he did have something else. That something else? A Brood embryo and enough strength to fight against it.

He looked like hell, and more than that he looked SO PISSED.

"You guys the ones with ships?" he grunted.


solo_sword April 24 2016, 17:28:32 UTC
Yeah, Jaina didn't know him, but she was betting he didn't normally look like that.

"That's us. What do you need?"


oldstrongest1 April 24 2016, 17:58:56 UTC
"I have intel," Skaar said. "The ship they're using has certain weak points you should know about."


solo_sword April 24 2016, 18:15:00 UTC
"This is exactly what we need," Jaina said, feeling much better about this. "What are the weak points?"


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