All Around Fandom, Sunday Morning

Sep 06, 2015 09:15

'twas early in the morning, and most of the island's people past and present were fast asleep. Not Ingvar Islet, however, who had been watching with bored jealousy all day yesterday. It was about done with this all: mommy should be paying more attention to it. And if she wouldn't do that the regular way, well, there were other ways. And so it was that right around sunset, purple strings of magic burst briefly into the air above the islet, before blasting apart, wafting across Fandom Island.

It found each gremlin in its hiding place and touched it. Foam began to appear at each gremlin's lips, and then skin began to peel and droop. Soon, they were staggering out of every hole and burrow and onto the street. "Grarrrrrrrr!" they cried. "Argh!"

They were zombies. They wished to devour the flesh of the living!

...Or at least gnaw on it a little bit. They did have large venom deposits to get rid of.

[[ zombie gremlins are a go! ]]


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