Trooper Station, Wednesday

Mar 18, 2015 12:16

Considering it was the day after St. Pat's, Jake was doing... pretty well, actually. Sure, he'd fallen asleep fully dressed last night, but he hadn't awoken to being prodded by flamingoes, or on someone else's couch. And the station coffee was actually doing a pretty decent job of shaking off the last of the hangover.

Still, though, it was very much a prod-at-paperwork sort of day. Good thing there was all those forms to be filled out about Tamsin's move from deputy to mayor. Yes, that was ages ago. No, Jake hadn't even glanced at any of the paperwork until now. Shut up.

He hated to admit it, but he'd found himself kind of- not missing Tamsin, exactly, but disappointed to have one less person around to trade barbs with. Vic was pretty good with that sort of thing, but Ralph always looked like he was on the verge of tears any time Jake said anything remotely sarcastic (so, like, 90 percent of the time), and it was just exhausting.

[ooc: the trooper station doors are open!]

trooper station

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