The Devil's Nest | Thursday Evening

Aug 22, 2013 14:00

"Who keeps doing this?" Buffy asked, hands on her hips. The bar was once again in complete disarray. "Is there a misguided booze gnome around here or something?"

Somebody was going to get their ass kicked.

devil's nest, bruce wayne, karina lyle, buffy summers

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Re: Bar notacokeperson August 23 2013, 00:35:35 UTC
She'd scanned the place for anyone else who fit the picture of a man who'd throw a charity gala and...

"Mr. Wayne?" she asked, approaching with a professional smile.

He fit the picture!


Re: Bar willbethenight August 23 2013, 00:43:21 UTC
Just because he was wearing an expensive-looking three-piece suit out to a bar? Okay, that was a fair deduction.

"That's me," Bruce said, turning around with a drink in hand. "And you'd be Karina?"


Re: Bar notacokeperson August 23 2013, 00:49:22 UTC
"Yes," she said, with another smile. "That's me. I hope I'm not interrupting anything...?"


Re: Bar willbethenight August 23 2013, 00:58:31 UTC
"Not at all. I'm actually here just to talk business," Bruce said. And, from the sound of his voice, maybe have a few drinks. "Have a seat, and tell me why you want to help out tomorrow."


Re: Bar notacokeperson August 23 2013, 01:10:06 UTC
It was a bar after all! He could drink.

"Thanks," she said, sitting. "I want to help out because it's for a good cause, because I've got experience in similar social situations, and because I'd be there anyway and in that case, helping is just seemed like the right thing to do."

Which made her sound like a total do-gooder. Ugh. Even though it was all true.


Re: Bar willbethenight August 23 2013, 01:14:11 UTC
Sounding like a do-gooder was probably a good thing when talking about a charity event.

"Have you ever attended a charity event like this?" Bruce asked.


Re: Bar notacokeperson August 23 2013, 01:19:01 UTC
"Yes," she said honestly. "All the time. Dad's pretty involved in a number of charities and gets me to help out."

Which was true, though she'd attended more of them as her Hero persona.


Re: Bar willbethenight August 23 2013, 01:26:09 UTC
"Good to know," Bruce said. "Then you more or less know the drill. People come in, you say hi, get them in a talkative mood, and hope things take off from there. In a pinch, be sure to direct them to the open bar."


Re: Bar notacokeperson August 23 2013, 01:31:11 UTC
"I can handle that," Karina said, smiling. "Is there anything else I should keep in mind? Details about which orphanages, in case anyone asks? Or if someone asks if you'd be interested in donating to their pet project, should I shut them down, politely of course, or direct them to you?"


Re: Bar willbethenight August 23 2013, 01:39:48 UTC
"I'll have some fliers handy, giving information on where all of the money is going. And I'll be happy to talk to anyone about their causes," Bruce said. "Even though I doubt it'll happen. In my experience, people in Fandom tend not to be too pushy about things like that. They prefer to focus on helping with the topic at hand."

"Otherwise, it sounds like you have a good handle on what you need to do. Just be sure to have a good time," Bruce said.


Re: Bar notacokeperson August 23 2013, 01:47:00 UTC
"Better to ask and not have it come up than not ask and have to scramble for an answer," Karina said, smiling a bit. "But thanks, I'll do my best and I'm sure I'll have fun."


Re: Bar willbethenight August 23 2013, 02:01:45 UTC
"When in doubt, just send them my way. I mastered the art of answering any random questions at these things years ago, even when I'm just making things up," Bruce said.


Re: Bar notacokeperson August 23 2013, 02:08:51 UTC
"I'll do that," she said, looking a bit amused. "Though I like to think I'm not so bad at it myself."


Re: Bar willbethenight August 23 2013, 02:10:58 UTC
"We'll see about that. But you're definitely off to a good start," Bruce said encouragingly.


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