Graduation Brunch, the Park, Early Sunday Afternoon

May 05, 2013 12:16

It was a Fandom tradition that went back... well, at the very least several years: graduation brunch, offering visitors and locals alike the best food available on the island.

There was a banner that stretched from tree to tree declaring CONGRATULATIONS, CLASS OF 2013 in big glittery letters. There were tables full of moddable food and drink. ( Read more... )

cade, natalie v. adams, peter wiggin, emily thorne, kaidan alenko, hanna marin, luke castellan, percy jackson, ben skywalker, sam lacroix, april ludgate, clint barton, kate gregson, jaina solo, marasiah fel, gertrude yorkes, brunches, park, james t. kirk, atton rand, ron swanson, rilla blythe, electroclash

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Tables and Chairs endsthegame May 5 2013, 10:19:07 UTC
There's seating for everyone who wants to sit down and do their mingling with a plate of food in front of them.


Re: Tables and Chairs whenshewasnice May 5 2013, 10:41:24 UTC
Natalie's parents were en route back to Montreal. Natalie was intending to join them soon enough. She really was overdue for a trip home.

But first, she got some food and sat down by a table. To people watch for a bit before heading to the dorms to grab some stuff to take home with her.


Re: Tables and Chairs so_hawkward May 5 2013, 19:02:04 UTC
"Hey Miss Graduate. That was an interesting ceremony yesterday," Clint said, setting his plate down on the table and taking a seat next to her. "Do you feel more important now that you have a diploma?"


Re: Tables and Chairs whenshewasnice May 5 2013, 19:09:56 UTC
"My sense of self-worth isn't tied to pieces of paper," Natalie informed him, with a faintly amused look. "But I guess it's nice to have. Even if it took actual fighting."

If you could even call it that.


Re: Tables and Chairs so_hawkward May 5 2013, 19:33:12 UTC
"Kitty warned me something weird might happen once I was already there," Clint said. "I'd have tried to prepare better if I'd known earlier. Not that I think I would have been able to help. That was the really weird part."


Re: Tables and Chairs whenshewasnice May 5 2013, 19:35:41 UTC
Natalie just barely waved a hand. "Something like that happens every year. As far as I can tell, it's pretty much always just the graduates."


Re: Tables and Chairs so_hawkward May 5 2013, 20:57:11 UTC
"I don't know if it's a good thing that this stuff doesn't faze you, or if it means you'll be more prepared if trouble comes at home. Or away, on your nice vacation," Clint said with a smirk.


Re: Tables and Chairs whenshewasnice May 5 2013, 21:11:56 UTC
"It just means I'm smart." And they already knew that! "Anything that can be handled via physical fighting means, I'm naturally equipped to deal with. Which I sadly can't put on most resumes, but that's not too bad."


Re: Tables and Chairs so_hawkward May 5 2013, 21:59:26 UTC
"Hey, you'd be surprised how many people would accept fighting skills on a resume. Maybe not the kinds of places you can tell people you work at, but..." Clint trailed off with a shrug. "I'm glad you're going to be sticking around for a while, more or less."


Re: Tables and Chairs whenshewasnice May 5 2013, 22:26:23 UTC
"More or less," Natalie agreed. She was just going to roll with whatever her schedule turned out to be like. "I'm pretty glad too. Canada can wait."


Re: Tables and Chairs suitablyheroic May 5 2013, 11:27:20 UTC
Pretty much the only reason Atton had come back for this was because there would be free food, and he wasn't exactly swimming in credits right now.

...There was also that thing with the troopers and the angry shopkeeper and the ship full of dancers and the-- look, people probably shouldn't leave him and Sparkle alone anywhere. It ended badly.

Anyway, he was just here for the brunch. Actually, he was going to be hoarding some food so he'd have some when he took off again in a few hours. But right now? Atton was sitting back, leaning against the table and observing people.


Re: Tables and Chairs makemyownway May 5 2013, 11:49:26 UTC
"Where have you karking been?" Cade wondered.


Re: Tables and Chairs suitablyheroic May 5 2013, 11:54:29 UTC
"Home," Atton said, snagging some nachos from his plate behind him.


Re: Tables and Chairs makemyownway May 5 2013, 12:01:33 UTC
"And you came back?" Cade looked a little surprised. "Huh."


Re: Tables and Chairs suitablyheroic May 5 2013, 12:11:31 UTC
"Hey, I came here myself for a reason," Atton said. "I'm not one of those poor nerfherders who got tricked into showing up."


Re: Tables and Chairs makemyownway May 5 2013, 12:24:32 UTC
"Shut up," said such a nerfherder.


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