The infection had had time to spread. The blasted heath had had time to... reproduce. The poor teal deer who first sipped from the water at the campsite had had no idea of what was about to happen - and neither had the alots that had ventured out near the rock
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"Just a quick look to see," Blossom thought, but her flight to the campgrounds was interrupted by the sight of something moving below her. Something that just didn't look right. She landed, wondering if maybe she was still asleep...
Now it was just hunger, stalking, and it skittered into the undergrowth as Blossom passed overhead, waiting to see if the girl would come closer.
"Hi? Don't be afraid!" She tried to call out to the... thing, floating closer to where she had last seen it.
Come here, little girl. It would like to get to know you better.
But once Blossom started to part the brush, the hunger would not let it wait any longer. It lunged forward with an unholy shriek, looking to tear her face off or rip out her throat with its beak.
Hopefully she could get it to calm down without hurting it?
It danced backwards, flaring out its wings to their full span and screaming at her again before taking flight and heading back towards the blasted heath. It would find more prey, perhaps easier, back towards the cabins.
The bleeding had her worried, though, and she decided to put off the campground investigation. Time to head back home and do some clean-up.
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