Jul 22, 2010 01:48
It was quiet in the gym after Dimitri worked through his usual routine. The staff seemed to be giving him a wide berth, which was unusual on Jessi's day. Perhaps she'd seen the dangerous gleam in his eyes as he assaulted the heavy bag. Or maybe it was the intensity and sheer number of sit ups he performed. Whatever it was, Dimitri was fine with Jessi keeping away. He would have to hold his tongue, and as it was, that was going to be a difficult feat if the reason for his ire showed her face. Perhaps her most recent lapse in judgment proved permanent.
In an effort to regain and maintain his sense of inner and outer calm, Dimitri now sat poised on the thick, plush mats, legs crossed with his hands resting on his knees, palms open to the ceiling. Meditation was the key. Deep, even breaths in and out. No thoughts, just a singular focus on his breathing.
How long the quiet lasted would depend on the company, but Atlas was open for business.
dimitri belikov,
rosemarie hathaway