This . . . this was not good.
Aphrodite was hunting in the dark for the sign of little kitty prints on the sticky ground. Every once in a while she'd mutter to herself.
"I will never do something like
this again. Never."
Suddenly she stopped and looked at the trail. "Dinaaaahh! Not the park! What are you gonna do, stalk the flamingos?"
Then she was jogging down the street calling loudly, "Dinah, here, kitty-kitty! DINAHHHHH!"
And when she found Dinah!kitty? She hoped she remembered how to turn her back.
(ooc: Dite's looking for Dinah!kitty, but post is Open for anyone wishing to join the hunt! Or laugh at the goddess floundering in the syrupy streets! No ocd, just jump in where ever you want!)