The beach, after lunchtime

Mar 07, 2008 12:24

Despite Clayton's promises that the plane was ready to go, it wasn't and the trip too Virginia took much longer then Meris would have liked. Edgy and impatient Meris left immediately after checking into the Georgetown hotel with Clayton, instinct and Isabel's memories guiding her as she drove the car to the island and parked. She could feel the girl in her head, fighting for control, trying to force her towards the school and the friends and family that were no doubt grieving for her there.

The beach seemed to be a temporary compromise, enough to make the mental struggle stop, although it didn't stop the flow of memories that continued to drift through her mind as she looked towards the horizon: A dark haired boy with a comforting arm around her shoulders as fireworks exploded over the water, laughing and splashing with friends on a warm summer night. Monsters? Trolls, the voice in her head corrected, and a dark-haired girl pulling her through a door in the air?

"Stop it!" Meris said, grabbing at her temples. "Just stop it!"

After spending time with River, Ronan headed down to the beach to do some work on some spellwork -- there were a few things that needed to be drawn out, and it was sometimes easier on sand. Easier to erase and change, especially.

But he'd barely started when he spotted a familiar, blonde-haired girl.
"Isabel?" he called, moving forward slowly. "What's wrong? Can I help you?"

Meris turned and blinked, recognizing the boy. "Ronan," she said simply.

"Ye~es..." Ronan replied. Something was definitely wrong here. "Is
everything okay?" he asked, rephrasing the question.

Shaking her head, Isabel took a step forward. Ronan would help. "No. It's not. She's in my head," she told him, distress evident in her voice. "She's in my head. Or is it hers? I don't know anymore."

... Oh, good. Some form of possession? "I can definitely help you," he said. "C'mon, let's go-" Not to the school. Not until he knew what was going on. "-to the clinic. We can get you checked out, okay?"

"No. "No doctors. I'm fine." Inside her head, Isabel fought futilely to take control. "No, you can't. It's over," Meris said. "I'm sorry."

Ignoring Ronan, she turned to leave.

Ronan reached out for her shoulder. "Wait!" he said. "Isabel, I can help you!" Somehow.

"No!" Instinctively Meris moved to brush Ronan's hand away, unconsciously releasing a blast of power at him.

The blast was unexpected, and Ronan was pushed back a few steps. The first words of a shield spell flew instinctively from his mouth before he cut them off. "Isabel?" he said, instead. "... Isabel, what's wrong?"

Meris turned when she felt the unfamilar sensation of power. Flexing her hand she studied it, Isabel's memories providing a glimpse of the abilities now available to her.

"Nothing," Meris said, her voice strong. Everything! said the voice inside her head. "I need to go now." Turning once more, she started to make her way up the beach.

Ronan moved after her. "Isabel, wait!"

This time the blast of power was deliberate. And much stronger.

Ronan staggered under the blow, falling to one knee; words of power flew through his mind, but he was too distracted to focus on them, to align them into patterns and spells. He stared at Isabel, trying to figure out what was going on, but he was too dazed from the blow to focus.

By the time he got to his feet, she was gone. Shaking his head, Ronan decided to head back to the dorms and find Wyatt to see what was going on.

[OOC: Pre-played with hotceltogoth, NFI, OOC is love]

beach, isabel evans, ronan nolan

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