The Park - Sunday Afternoon

Jan 21, 2008 08:58

Simba had woken on Saturday in a strange place. He'd hightailed it out of there as soon as he was able and had spent the last day in the Preserve or, as he thought of it, a strange jungle, trying to find his way back to the Pride Lands.

After being unsuccessful and certain local animals making it quite clear that they weren't happy with him hunting on their territory, he decided to seek out answers in the nearby town. Not that he knew it was a town since he'd never seen a human before in his life until coming here.

He clambered across the rocky bits and walked into town, finding the grass of the Park much more comfortable under his feet than the stone streets.

[OOC: Open! I'm going with the idea that Simba can talk to humans/humanoids since he kinda could in KH2]

rikku, ferris bueller, coraline jones, park, anakin skywalker, sora, reno, demyx

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