Joker's lair which is totally not a treehouse [Sunday morning]

Jan 20, 2008 11:10

The room was painted a vibrant (or if you were being very honest “headache inducing”) purple.

The Joker was humming his theme music cheerily to himself as painted green stripes here and there and added clown masks to the walls.

Ah, all the comforts of home. Well, if you were used to being tied up by a cackling madman at home.

Padmé had woken up in her share of bizarre, uncomfortable places.

This one was certainly trying to take the number one spot on that list, though. She squirmed for the umpteenth time, wishing for a blaster and falling back on her negotiation skills.


"What do you want with us, anyway?"

"Hmmm?" Jimmy asked, as he came to groggily and tried to clear his head. "...Oh, no, not again..."

To add to his own private hell, his camera was still hanging from his neck, but he couldn't manage to reach the shutter no matter how hard he tried.

"I know! I am going to kill someone if I don't get a cigarette," Danni added. Because her nic fit was clearly the most important thing going on right then.

"You shouldn't smoke, miss," Jimmy told her, because Mr. Kent wasn't around to say it. "It's bad for your health."

Then he looked over at their captor. "Nobody panic: I'm an experienced hostage," he told his fellow captees, before shouting "You'll never get away with this, Mr. Joker! I'll have you know I'm a close personal friend of Superman!"

Danni rolled her eyes. "Great, I'm tied up, without a cigarette, and with a geek bigger than my ex. God hates me."

The Joker cackled and clapped his hands gleefully together. "You're all awake again! How lovely! Who's up for a round of singing 'The Wheels on the Bus'?"

Jimmy's nonexistent finely tuned reporter's instincts were starting to kick in. "So... What are you doing all the way out here, anyhow? It's a long ways from Arkham. -- I mean, Gotham!"

"I was looking for a nice vacation spot," the Joker replied. "Something with a view, away from the craziness--" he laughed again, "--of the city. Someplace free of bats, where I could finally become that big Broadway star I've always wanted!"

He struck a pose. He actually had no idea how he'd ended up in that dorm room yesterday morning. It didn't bother him overmuch.

"Do you sing?"

Padmé thought maybe if she made friends with him, he'd let them go.

She was probably wrong.

"I... Uh... If you let us go, I can get you on page 1 of the Planet. Probably."

Jimmy thought maybe he was being clever.

He was probably wrong.

"Oh, for god's sake, you're doing it wrong," Danni snapped. She wiggled against her bonds, trying to display maximum cleavage. "Look, weird wig guy, let me go near a good bar and I will make out with you for as long as you want."

She was probably also miscalculating.

The Joker pretended to consider the offers. "I," he decided with another giggle. "I like you all right where you are. How else will I trick Superman and the Flash into coming here?"

"I... I don't make very good bait," Jimmy replied. "Really, you want Miss Lane for that. I could go get her...?"

The Joker snorted. "Do I look completely insane?!"


"Don't answer that. The answer, my dear stupid boy, is no." He reached for the camera around Jimmy's neck. "Everybody say cheese!"

Jimmy grimaced and secretly hoped that the Joker wasn't a better photographer than him.

[OOC: Preplayed with the awesome remember5th, meetingsnoopy and sarcasm_guy. NFI, *totally* for broadcast, OOC is love.]

melody valentine, sokka, evey hammond, preserve, luke skywalker

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