OrangeShoeSevenAide, Late Morning (Post-Jerries)

Oct 23, 2007 14:17

Okay, she kept meaning to come down here and see the Crazy People Store, but she forgot. Today, though! Today she was totally going to. Today ...

Today there was a sign scotch-taped to the door. Gone? They were just ... gone?

So much for that, Rikku thought, sitting down again on the steps.

Retarded Kitten Oracle
It was quiet. It wasn't usually quiet. Usually, there were wig-people who (astonishingly enough) fed him and played with him and screamed and hid from him. Which was totally because he was Very Scary and not because they were insane.

He had been napping in the basement, which was why the wig-people hadn't even realized he was there. Oops?

He didn't like it when it was quiet. He yowled. And mrowled. And humphed.

Rikku bounced up again, stepping into the abandoned OrangeShoeWhateverPlace. Hopefully no one would mind? It sounded like ...

"Hey there, kitty," Rikku said, kneeling down in front of him. "What are you doing in here?"

Retarded Kitten Oracle
The Retarded Kitten Oracle rorwled. He was here with the wig-people who were funny and happy but now they weren't here, feeding him. It was Food Time! It was always Food Time! The wig-people shouldn't miss Food Time!

The Retarded Kitten Oracle rurmphed sadly and then headbutted the fingers she held out.

Rikku giggled. "Yes, you're very cute," she said, scritching the top of his head. "Do you have a home? You don't have a collar or anything."

Retarded Kitten Oracle
Yay, head-scritchings! He liked head-scritchings. There should be more of those. He licked her fingers happily and nuzzled.

"Okay, you're adorable," she laughed. "I can't just leave you here, can I? That wouldn't be right. You need someone to look after you."

Retarded Kitten Oracle
Of course he did. He was very, very dim.

The Retarded Kitten Oracle hopped onto the girl's lap, then stretched out, purring. She had a nice lap. He liked it.

"Oh, I can't keep you," Rikku said, melting a little. Okay, a lot. "I don't think you'd get along with Crookshanks."

She considered. "But ... I can take you back with me and help you find a new home?"

Retarded Kitten Oracle
The Retarded Kitten Oracle weighed her words seriously. Nope. None of them sounded like "food."

But he liked her anyway, so he began chewing on her fingers. Nicely.

"Awwwww." Melting a whole lot. She slid one arm under his belly, trying to figure out if she could lift him with the other still in a sling. No, he seemed to be too squirmy for that. "Do you have a name, kitty? I can't just call you 'Hey, You.' Or 'Buttlicker.'"

Retarded Kitten Oracle
Sure she could. He, the Retarded Kitten Oracle, was above any names mere mortals could give him, and thus answered to any of them equally. Besides, he did lick his butt.

"Well, I shouldn't name you, since I'm not keeping you," Rikku said, nodding a little to herself. Because she still believed that. Which was sort of funny. "But I have to call you something in the meantime. So maybe ... you can be Cuban Pete?"

Retarded Kitten Oracle
Cuban Pete
The Retarded Kitten Oracle mrowled happily. It was a good name. And she smelled like food. All in all, he felt pretty good right now.

Rikku snuggled the kitty close. For the first time in a little while, so did she.

(OOC: Yes, this is the loose end. Forgive me, I couldn't resist, especially after the month she's had. Expecting someone.)

rikku, orangeshoesevenaide

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