The sad thing about the fact that Xander is behind the counter playing with Legos is not that he's a grown man who has AutoCAD on the laptop next to him, 3/4 of a degree in construction management, and a sign on the door advertising his
professional services not dirty. Nor is it the fact that he's been doing it for three hours, or that the
Ultimate House Building Set was supposed to be a present for Bridge, but he couldn't resist opening it when it arrived, just to, uh, check that all the pieces were there.
It's that he's currently building a scaled-down version of the former Echolls Mansion as it might look turned into a waterslide park.
What - it's an idea.
[OOC: Open for new tenants and old, passers-by, random aardvarks, and Canadians. No mimes, though.]