The Beach, evening

Jun 28, 2007 15:51

Charlie set up the coolers with drinks, and spread out a blanket near the campfire before helping Turtle set up the mini-grill. "Hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, chips, dip, pickles, napkins, drinks, plates.... I think we have everything."

The sun was still a couple hours from setting, and the wind wasn't blowing badly enough to mess up the plates. Perfect bar-b-q weather.

[OOC note: There be plottiness happening in one hour! Guests are free to ignore or react as they will to the thread that will go up, but please wait until it is completed; the thread's activity will be resolved without further action needed.

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beach, isabel evans, karal austreben, peter petrelli, john sheppard, molly hayes, annette hargrove, charlie mcgee, johnny storm, yasutora "chad" sado, william kessler, sam winchester, tabitha-ruth wexler, dean winchester, adam park

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