Outside Our Lady of Fandom, Tuesday morning

Jun 05, 2007 08:10

Gabriel opened his eyes. The sunlight had been bright enough through his eyelids and now it hit him, making his head hurt even worse. Although aware of the effects of too much alcohol on humans, he still hadn't expected the after effects to be quite this bad. He was an archangel after all - no, correction, he had been an archangel. Until about a week ago he'd been the archangel Gabriel, Messenger of God and Angel of Death. Well, thinking about it, he'd lost the status of Messenger of God long before that, leaving only the Angel of Death title. God hadn't exactly been communicating much with him at all lately.

He sat up and looked around, blinking. This place didn't look like LA, and he was quite certain that was where he'd been last night. It also wasn't Heaven unfortunately, which would have been an improvement. Wherever he was, he had been sleeping on the steps of a small church. Gabriel glared at the pair of dark wooden doors behind him and picked up his trumpet, placing it in his lap.

During his existence he had seen far too many human monkeys turn bitter and curse their fate, God or both. None of them had ever had as good cause to do that as he had now. Once God had loved the angels above all, and when that hade changed, when the humans had come into the picture, all Gabriel had done was to try to restore the proper order of things. He'd fought against his angelic brothers for this cause, and finally, when the others had tried to bring another Nephilim into the world - even God agreed that the Nephilim were an abomination, right? - Gabriel had stood up against them. He'd lost. He'd lost everything about a week ago, in Eden. Michael had stripped him of his angelic status and left him as a mortal. There was nothing left for him.

A surge of anger made him stand up, nearly loosing his balance. He turned to face the church doors and pushed them open, stepping into the cool shade of the building. He raised his hand, pointing at the altar. "You haven't seen the last of me. I'll make you listen, once more."

Gabriel had been about to carry on, a rather long rant forming in his mind, but was distracted by the four squirrels who appeared on the altar. He frowned, then shrugged. Sighing again, he sat down on one of the pews and began to play the trumpet.

[Establishing only. And finally LJ lets me post]


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