Setsuna flew in to open the shop and found a little bit of a
surprise as prepared to start the day.
Setsuna blinked at the cat. The cat blinked back, then, dropping the letter it had been holding between its teeth, meowed cutely before pouncing at her feet and testing the durability of her sock. She gritted her teeth together as she grunted at the clawing against her skin and used everything she had to refuse the urge to just boot the thing across the room with a firm kick. She gave Gladys a clear ...the hell? look and Gladys indicated Moist's note, which Setsuna read and grunted again. "Not Tiddles, huh? That's a strange name..."
Not Tiddles seemed to really like socks; Setsuna almost screamed at the next attempt to slice through her pale legs.
Which explained why Setsuna was perched on a couple of mail crates set on top of each other, glaring down at the cat while it unravelled and played with a rolls of stamps. And then it decided it was tired of the stamps, scaled up the crates while Setsuna wasn't paying attention, and the next thing she knew was that she had a kitty in her lap.
She sighed. Heavily, and reluctantly started petting it. Scratches were forgotten, for now, thanks to the onset of purrs.
The Post Office is open.