The Beach, after classes

Feb 21, 2007 16:02

After Hunting, Isabel headed down to the beach to meet up with Peter as they'd handwavily discussed. Dropping the bag of Nerf balls and the blanket she'd brought with her onto the sand, she headed towards the water's edge, enjoying the smell of salt in the warmer air. There was probably a few more weeks of cold weather to get through, but the warmer temperatures today were a nice change after the storms of last week.

Kivar walked through the streets of Fandom enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. He'd almost forgotten what it was like to enjoy the outdoors like this. And if he was stopped, that would be his reason for being in town after his speaking engagement at the school. No one needed to know he had an ulterior motive.

Despite being worried about Lucas and what they planned for tomorrow, the change in weather had Isabel in an extremely cheerful mood. She tossed a few shells back into the water, then walked back up the beach, waving her hand and causing several mini-tornadoes to whirl across the sand.

The smell of salt and the sound of waves lured him to the beach. Kivar gazed out over the water and then smiled, teeth bared, when he realized just who was there with him. "Impressive," he called out.

Isabel turned, dropping her hand and letting the sand collapse back on the beach. "I didn't realize anyone was watching," she said warily, not recognizing the stranger.

"How could I not? A beautiful, powerful woman," Kivar smiled, his eyes dark. "You're everything I thought you would be."

The hairs on the back of Isabel's neck stood up. There was something about him, something familiar. "Who are you?" she asked. "I don't know you. How do you know me?"

He stepped closer, brushing her hair back off her face. "You might not remember me but Vilandra does."

"Vilandra's dead," Isabel said flatly, stepping away. She didn't understand how or why he was there, but she knew who he was. "She was foolish and naive and you killed her, Kivar."

"But here you are," Kivar replied, following her. "Just as beautiful. Come with me. Be my queen. You're meant for so much more then this."

She shivered and closed her eyes, lost in a flood of images. Kivar kissing her, the two of them walking along the water's edge under a red moon, "What have you done to me?"

"Nothing," he whispered in her ear. "Vilandra remembers. Vilandra wants to come home."

"Vilandra can go to hell," Isabel hissed, shoving him away. "This is my home. And if you're smart, you'll leave now."

Kivar nodded. "I'll go. But this isn't over...Isabel," he said, his voice dripping with scorn. "There's going to be a time when I won't be so agreeable. What will you do then?" He stepped towards her, stopping as Isabel raised her hand.

"Go," she said, prepared to send him flying if he came another step closer.

Eyes dark and shadowed, Kivar studied her for a long moment, debating taking her with him by force. Finally he turned and held out his hand over the sand. There was a flash of light then something similar to a portal opened, sending showers of light onto the sand.

"Remember me," he said as he stepped into the light. "Because I will never forget you."

Isabel blinked as the portal flashed once more then disappeared. Letting out the breath she'd been holding, she dropped her hand then sank to the sand.

[ooc: The thread with repeterpetrelli is locked. Otherwise the beach is open for all your beach needs.]


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