Efferton Manor - Saturday

Dec 02, 2006 15:04

The female trolls had spent the night congratulating themselves on the success of the plan thus far.  They'd captured plenty of prisoners, and it had been even easier than expected.  It was nice to know that human males were almost as dumb as troll males.  Just far, far prettier.  The female trolls appreciated that.

They also appreciated the fact that the males actually arrived and didn't seem to have brought a mob along with them.  Not that they were worried exactly.  One just never knew what would happen.  Even with the prime of troll manhood.

Once Vuaol and Luosh left for the church under strict instruction, the females began to carry out their plan for the day.  Plans were good.  They kept the Runa and Vaja from bickering about which human male they'd 'talk to' first.

[OOC: When male trolls ping into the 'outside the manor' thread, the post is open for fighty-ness..]

efferton manor

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