On the way back from the Halloween party last night, Marie and Jamie had discovered that part of the park had suddenly (and bizarrely) been transformed into a pumpkin patch.
After exploring the patch the idea came up to see if the story told by "Minus" from "It's the Fantastic Gourd Charles Beige" was really true.
So armed with a tent, sleeping bags, a laptop, DVD's and a handwavy invitation to Willow and English to join them, a small camp has been set up in the park to wait for the Fantastic Gourd to appear.
[ooc: The camp is locked to
willbedone and
once_a_king. Great Pumpkinfest is open for all! Wait for the OCD is up!
The bonfire is open for all! Please be bringing your food and drinks. If you wish to stay overnight use the camp thread or if you have a tent use your own journal if you want privacy. If your character wants prezzies please sign into the appropriate thread.
Happy Halloween!]