Title: Crisis of Faith
Author: Shona aka Mara
Rating: Pg-13 for language
Disclaimer: Not my sandbox.
Notes: Written for the August
fic_variations prompt of Sane/Insane. Faith's on the road to redemption, but Wolfram & Hart decide to take action.
Wordcount: 100
(also? I mean no disrespect to RPGers - I am an online RPGer myself!)
I don't care. It's not real. It’s all just some fucked up role playing game some nerd dreamed up because he can't get laid.
It's not real, there's no vampires, there's no girl destined to kill them. Even if there was, it sure as hell isn't gonna be me.
It's not real.
If it was, I'd be a killer.
I'm not a killer.
I'm not.
She dials a number and says, "Ms Morgan? The Faith problem is no longer an issue." Someone had a crisis of faith? Glad it's not me. Not that I care. Because I don't.
I don't.