Title: "Time Bomb" (Part Two of Three: Ticking )
callieachFandoms: Doctor Who, Torchwood
Characters: Donna, The Doctor, Martha, Jack, Ianto, Gwen, Mickey
Rating: PG-13
Words: 2029
Disclaimer: If I owned either of these series, I would be not only British, but also not still-heartbroken over season finales.
Author's Notes: I've been working on this
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Comments 5
You leave it there?!?!?!?!? Gah! Update, please! Must have update! *pulls out hair*
[/freaking out]
K, anyway I looked at your journal on the off chance you'd updated and you had! It's still so wonderful and I'm loving it. Seriously, though, update soon. *loves*
Thank you for the comment! The last installment should be up within a few days!
Alternatively, I can't wait til the next/last piece is out! Fantastic, yet again!
Yay! Gwen *loves* (Thank you!). I really like this interaction between Gwen and Martha, it felt a lot like the deleted scene between the two of them on the S2 dvds. You have seen that one haven't you? I remember sending you the Owen one but did I send that one too?? Anyway, great characterisations especially love the inclusion of Gwen's overly caring side *loves her some more and you for including it*, and the idea of Martha lying about contemplating what incision to make...especially considering the thing is already dead lol - it's very her.
Tosh and Owen! *wibbles*
If she wants to use a work-related metaphor, she’s lost a dossier so important she has to drop ( ... )
I feel flattered by how often you use the word "brilliant" in your reviews. *blushes* Oh, I wish I were...
One tiny little mistake, it's actually the Roald Dahl Plassa - Fuck! I Googled that, like, twice, and even looked up "plass" because I'd never heard the word before. It's Norwegian for plaza and since I thought Dahl was a Norwegian name, I assumed it worked. D:
I was so sure the TARDIS was just gonna appear at the last possible second and the Doctor would sweep in and save the day!!! You can't leave it there!! - *snickers* Haven't I already explained the plot to you? So you have no right to freak. But, yeah, yeah, part three'll be up before next Monday (sooner if the Doctor stops giving me a hard time about his dialogue).
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