Third floor common room [evening]

Sep 05, 2006 17:10

Luke had just settled onto a sofa to try to forget the weird guy who was teaching him Criminal Justice when he heard very strange noise coming from the air grate.

Being a dumbass curious, he crept over to investigate and was almost bowled over by a herd of gremlins dressed in various costumes as they raced into the common room.

One was dressed in rags, its arms extended as it squeaked "brains". Another was clad in hot pink bunny ears and was being chased by a decidedly sullen gremlin carrying a bell. Two others came out balanced on top of each other, looking a bit miniature giraffe-esque (not that Luke would know that). The one on top was wearing Secret Disguise Glasses (TM).

Luke narrowly missed getting hit by a gremlin tossing itself from the top of the doorjamb shrieking "Behooooooooold!" Its fall was broken by another gremlin wearing a tree while an additional gremlin dressed as a shrub snickered and pretended to take pictures.

Luke backed into the sofa as another group came running out of the grate covered in snowcone ice and began to line dance. They were followed by Very Angry Fairy Gremlins, three weetiny gremlins (one with a pillowcase on her head), then a dozen clad in Jello boxes and snarling.

"This is insane," Luke said.

He hadn't seen the Big Finish yet, of course.

The first gremlin came out with a brown yarn wig pulled back into a ponytail, sunglasses, a grey tank top and a Big Honkin' Gun (Really. It honked), and was followed by a gremlin wearing a non-descript suit and possessing No Facial Expressions At All. They were joined by another male-ish gremlin wearing sunglasses, then one toting a guitar, and finally one wearing a mop on her head and leather pants. Best not to ask why gremlins owned leather pants.

They held a brief conversation, then formed a kickline as the gremlin with the bell played "Little Bunny Foo Foo."

Confetti fell down over the entire production and they looked expectantly at Luke, who applauded loudly.

One gremlin reached into the grate, pulled out a sign that read "NeXT ShoW 10 MIns", flashed it at him and then disappeared.

Luke blinked, then settled in to watch it again. He wasn't quite sure he had picked up the subtle nuances the first time.

[OOC: Happy anniversary, FH! Gremlins modded with permission. Post is open like an open thing...]

evelyn carnahan, 3rd floor common room, gwynn hood, peter parker, ray kowalski, gremlins, hamlet dane, hermione granger, zero hopeless-savage, carmela rodriguez, blair sandburg, z delgado, isabel evans, rory gilmore, dawn summers, angela chase, yasutora "chad" sado, luke skywalker, alanna trebond

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